Sunday, February 18, 2024

Kaanch kay Tukday (Broken Glass)

Kaanch kay tukdon ko phir judtay nahin dekha 
Murjhaaye phoolon ko phir khiltay nahin dekha 

Jism kay zakhmon ko bhartay dekha hai lekin 
Dil kay zakhmon ko kabhi bhartay nahin dekha 

Toot jaata hai agar daali say koyi phool 
Phir usay us shaakh pay lagtay nahin dekha 

Jo chalaa jaata hai is duniya ko chhod kar 
Phir usay aa kar kabhi miltay nahin dekha 

Mit gaye Saaray Sikandar aur Payaam-bar 
Kaam duniya ka magar ruktay nahin dekha *

Dharm aur Imaan jin ka pukhtaa hai unhen 
Chand paison kay liye girtay nahin dekha 

Ik musaafir kay liye 'Rajan' kabhi hum nay 
Qaafilay ko raah mein ruktay nahin dekha 
                  " Rajan Sachdeva "

Kaanch kay tukday      = Pieces of broken glass
Daali                              = Branch
Shaakh                          = Branch 
Sikandar                       = Alexander
Payaam-Bar                 = Messengers of God 
Pukhtaa                        = Firm, Strong, unshakable 
Musaafir                       = Traveler 
Qaafilay                        =  Convoy 

* So many powerful and great kings like Alexander came and vanished. 
So many messengers of God -  those who brought the message of God or delivered the message about God and Dharma - also came and left this world.
But the functioning of the world never stopped.
The world continued as it was - and will continue as it is.


  1. Beautiful. Well said. 🙏🙇‍♂️🙏

  2. A beautiful writeup from Sudha Murthy

    I feel......

    "Barely the
    _Day Started_
    and... it's
    _Already six in the evening._

    _Monday Arrived....._
    And it's
    _Already Friday._ .......

    Before we could _Realise_ .....
    The _Month_ is
    _Already Over....._

    And, And....

    _The Year is Almost Over._

    As of now......
    _40, 50 or 60+_
    _Years of Our Lives_
    have passed.......

    ... And Suddenly
    _We Realise_
    Lost our
    _Parents_ ...
    and some
    _Beloved Ones......_

    And than we _Realize_ it's
    _Too Late to Go Back......._

    _Despite Everything......_

    Let's Try.......
    _Enjoy the Remaining Time........._

    Let's keep looking for _Activities_ that _we like..._

    Let's put some _Color_ in our _Grey_ (if we aren't _Bald_ yet)........

    Let's _Smile_ at the
    _Little Things in Life_
    that put
    _Balm in our Hearts._ ......

    And despite
    _Our Physical Discomfort_ ......

    Lets continue to
    _Enjoy_ with _Serenity_ the _Time Left in Us...._

    Basically the implied meaning of this _Message_ is

    Let's try to
    _The Afters_ ...

    I'm _Doing_ it _After_ ...
    I'll _Say After_ .......
    I'll _Think_ about it _After_ .......

    We are habituated to _Leave everything_ to

    High time we understand
    ′′ _After_ ′′ is
    " _Never Ours"......_

    _Aren't We Aware....._

    _Afterwards Means_ ,
    The _Coffee_ gets _Cold_ ...

    _Afterwards Means_ ,
    _Our Priorities_ tend to _Change_ .......

    _Afterwards_ _Means_ , the _Charm_ is _Broken_ .......

    _Afterwards_ _Means_ _Health Passes..._

    _Afterwards Means..._
    _The Day_ becomes
    _The Night..._

    _Suddenly Afterwards_ _Life Ends....._

    Let's _Leave Nothing_ for _Later_ .......

    If we continue to
    _Harp_ on
    _Afterwards/Later Syndrome_ .........

    We will _Lose_ the
    _Best Moments_ .....
    _Best Experiences...._
    _Best Friends....._
    _Best Time_ with _Family_ ...

    Lets Wake Up.....
    _The Day is Today..._
    _The Moment is Now...._

    _Lets Face Stark_
    _Reality ......._

    We are
    _No Longer_
    at the
    where we can
    _Afford to Postpone_ ....

    Hope You have
    _Time to Read_
    this Message and Share it with
    _Like Minded_
    Similar Aged Persons who
    _No Longer_
    _Have Luxury__
    To _Postpone_ .......

    (Or maybe you'll leave it for... ′′ _Later_ "...
    And you'll never Share it..).

    It’s indeed an excellent and wonderful message. A lot many of us have suffered, suffering and would rather indeed suffer miserably owing to nothing but postponement and procrastination alone.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...