Friday, February 16, 2024

A Divine Departure

                             "Aqsar Banday di Maut tay paindaa ae Syaapaa
                             Paandaa ae Maran velay Mubarak koyi koyi"

(Often, there is a commotion - crying, howling, and wailing at someone's death.
Blessed (few) are those - who - at their departure - receive blessings and are celebrated for a life well-lived.)

This above couplet/song was written by a renowned Bhajan writer, singer, and Pracharak of the Sant Nirankari Mission - Sushil Kumar 'Sewak' ji of Patiala. 
He left this mortal world - during the morning Satsang on Friday, February 16, 2024.

On Friday morning Satsang, he delivered the Vichar - the final discourse from the stage, and after finishing the Vichar, he calmly left his mortal body - right there - on the stage - peacefully.
What a divine departure. 

Visakhi Ram ji and Sushil Kumar ji - known as Pagal ji & Sewak ji - used to write and sing Bhajans together under the pen name of Pagal-Sewak. 
Later, their joint pen name was changed to Amar-Sewak.  
I have many fond memories of both of them.  
Pagal ji, Sewak ji, Asha ji, and I used to accompany Pita ji - Sant Amar Singh ji of Patiala - on his Prachar tours quite often - sometimes for a day or two - and sometimes for a few weeks or a month or two.
Occasionally - Res. V. D. Nagpal ji also used to join these Prachar tours. 
I often cherish the sweet and blessed memories of those good old days. 

Pagal ji & Sewak ji wrote many meaningful and everlasting songs together that are still quite popular in the Mission. 
Such as:
     Duniya ch' hunda ae Rabb da Ashiq koi koyi 
     Kach dee mandi ch' Sach da Gaahak koi koyi 

     Aqsar banday dee maut tay paindaa ae syaapaa
     Paandaa ae Maran velay Mubarak koyi koyi 

Very few in the world have the real love for Almighty God in their hearts. 
Very few are the seekers of Truth in this market of fake merchandise.

Often, there is a commotion - crying, howling, and wailing at someone's death.
Blessed (few) are those - who - at their departure - receive blessings and are celebrated for a life well-lived.  

             Though we all will miss his physical presence, Sewak ji will always live on through the immortal bhajans he and Amar ji gave us. 
                                                       " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. When Susheel Kumar Ji came to North America with Bhagat Kotu Mal Ji in late 80s he stayed with us for one night in our Stoney Creek house. I will always cherish that time along with many other fond memories.

  2. Aakhri Swas Tak Satguru de Charna vich Sewa kerde Tod naba gey Bhai Sahib Sushil Kumar Ji Sewak.Parnaam aise Gursikh Nu.

  3. What a divine way to depart from this world!! It just couldn’t be better!!
    Coming from Patiala my whole family including myself have such fond memories of Rev. Sushil ji. He was an inspiration for us. In fact he was an inspiration for the whole Patiala Sadh Sangat. Plagal and Sevak geet are sung through out the whole Sant Nirankarji Mission. I am honored to pay my homage to dear Sushil Jì. We will surely miss you Sudhir veerji.

  4. Correction: Sushil veerji

  5. Mubarak paa Gaye Susheel aka Sewak ji. What a complete journey Saint lived what he penned n recited as bhajans rated as very popular in SNM circle. During my childhood days at Chandigarh, duo Pagal-Sewak ji used to come along BS Amar Singh ji(my mother got Gyaan from Pita Ji) from Patiala. Duo's CD comprising of famous 'GEET' is my favourite. RIP Susheel Ji. You're & have been an inspiration.

  6. First met Sushil Kumar “Sewak” Ji when I was young and he came to Chennai on tour with Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji and stayed at our house. The second and last time I met him was when he came to Washington DC with Poojya Kotumal Ji in late 80’s. His talent, dedication, and most of all his humanity was evident and left a lasting memory, in spite of our limited acquaintance. 🙏🏼

  7. Great writer and singer.He will be missed dearly🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...