Tuesday, February 20, 2024

If one has numerous qualities - Khoobiyaan laakh kisi mein hon

                  Khoobiyaan laakh kisi mein hon to zaahir na karen
                  Log kartay hain buri baat ka charchaa kaisaa
                                                          - Daag Dehalvi -

Even if someone has millions of qualities - no one acknowledges and talks about them. 

No one appreciates, admires, and discloses them to others.

But if they do one wrong thing, see how people love to expose it. 

They continually talk about it and want to reveal it to everyone else.


It is often seen that no matter how many qualities a person has - 

People do not respect him - nor do they ever talk to other people about him - to admire or praise his qualities.

No one wants to disclose their qualities to others by appreciating and praising them.

But if they make even the slightest mistake -

if they ever do something wrong - 

People immediately start talking about it with everyone else - 

exposing their faults and shortcomings to everyone and continuously trying to humiliate and defame them.

However, according to the Scriptures, one can only move forward on the path of spirituality by keeping the merits of others and one's own demerits in mind. 

                     "Farida jay tu Aql Latif Hain - Kaalay Likh na Lekh

                     Aapunaday Girebaan me Moonh Neevaan kar Dekh"

Sheikh Farid says that if you are wise, intelligent, and a scholar - 

if you can judge the merits and demerits -

then, instead of criticizing others - look within your own self - at your own demerits and weaknesses.

Keeping a watch on the self is the right path to attain Enlightenment.

                                       "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Beautiful words of wisdom

  2. Absolutely right 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Quotable quotes like"Think before you speak" / "Pehlae tolo, phir bolo" seem apt in connection with your blog full of wisdom. Various tales are there to drive home point. One of basic traits of human nature is JEALOUSY, ILL WILL etc. Pointing out others faults is relished in place of showering praise. It is inherent in our basic nature. More often than not, we forget to look inwards while raising fingers at others. Imbibing of Spirituality IN LETTER AND SPIRIT IS THE WAY OUT.

  4. I agree with you hundred percent 🙏🌹

  5. I agree with you hundred percent 🙏🌹

  6. Not knowing someone and being judgmental
    is human nature.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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