Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How much does a Cup of Hatred cost?

I wanted to find out the cost of hatred. 
So I went to a shop that sold it.

The salesman rushed to ask me what I wanted.
I told him I wanted just a cup of hatred. 
He smiled and asked if I could afford it.

'How much does a cup cost?' I asked.
Hmmmmm! He took in a deep breath, then said:
First of all, you have to pay the price with your inner peace. 
It will cost you incurable worries.
It will eat up your heart.
You will be bitter whenever you set your eyes on that person you hate.
You will become weak and tired of seeing them.
You will cry whenever they laugh.
The Spirit of joy and enthusiasm will leave you.
You will begin to have health issues like High blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.
As long as you keep drinking from the cup of hatred - bitterness, grudge, unforgiveness, malice, anger, jealousy, envy, resentment will keep increasing. 
Worse still, prayers or drugs cannot help much because you have disobeyed the natural and supernatural laws.

The seller was still counting when I shunned him, realizing how expensive it was.
I never knew hatred was that costly.
I left quickly - because now I knew I could not afford it.
I refuse to pay such a huge amount. 
Would you?
So - don't harbor hatred, bitterness, anger, etc.
Avoid gossip - because most of the time - it is what you hear from others about someone that breeds hatred.
Don't allow anyone to take away your peace and happiness and fill your heart with jealousy and hatred.
                                             (Received from a friend and modified a little)


  1. "Hit the Hatred" is inherent message.

  2. Beautiful Article. Thanks for sharing. If One could realize the cost, one would never even think about adopting hatred. But unfortunately there still exists so much hatred. Seeking your blessing to have the this realization all the time.🙏

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on hatred 🙏🌹

  4. Too high a price to pay! We need to pause and reflect on this the next time these feelings try to take root in our mind.

  5. Beautifully said. 🙏

  6. Beautiful article. Thanks for sharing q Charanjit


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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