Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Body is like a Tambura --- Sadho, Eh Tan Thaath Tambooray Kaa

Sadho - Eh Tan Thaath Tambooray Kaa
Paanch Tatva Ka Banaa Tambura Taar Lagaa Nau Tooray Kaa
Aenthat Taar Marodat Khoonti Niksat Rag Hazooray Kaa
Toota Taar Bikhar Gayi Khoonti Ho Gaya Dhoor Madhuray Kaa
Yaa Dehi Ka Garb Na Keejay Uda Gaya Hans Tanburay Kaa
Kahay Kabeer Suno Bhai Sadho Agam Panth Ik Suray Kaa

Most of the Pads or Shabads of Kabir ji begin with the address of Saadho (Saints)
And end with - Suno Bhai Saadho - listen, O' brother and saints.
Sadhu is a Sanskrit word that literally means - good, gentle, excellent, perfect, respectable, pious, noble, sage or saint, etc.

It shows that Kabir ji considers every person a Sadhu - A dignified respectable person and brother. 
Everyone is gentle and noble in his eyes - no one is small, evil, or low.
When he speaks or preaches, he does not consider anyone inferior to himself - he addresses everyone as brothers and sisters. There is affection and genuine concern in his language - not a command. His songs reflect the spirit of love and wish for the good of all.

                                    Meaning of the above verse
O' saints - O' gentle and virtuous people - O' noble seekers - 
This body is like a splendid Tamboora or Tanpura.

The structure of this Tanpura is made of five  Elements - Strung with Nine resonances - nine types of emotions or sentiments known as Nav-Ras.

When we tighten the strings by twisting the pegs, it plays the song of the Lord. 
The Raga of Huzoor - the melodious song of the Lord emerges from it.
In other words - in order to enjoy the melodious song of the Lord, one has to constrict the strings of thoughts and emotions by twisting the pegs - by changing the directions of the senses.

Once the pegs are broken - and the strings are snapped - all its beauty and sweetness will turn into dust.
The body made of dust will merge back into the dust itself.
This body is mortal - perishable.
Don't be so proud of it - Do not cling to the false ego of this body. 
Once the swan - the Soul leaves and flies away, the body will be worthless. 
No melody or song will emerge from it anymore.

In other words, Kabeer ji is asking us to make good use of this human birth.  
As long as there is life in the body, one should take advantage of this human birth in time. 
Don't get trapped in the web of Maya and waste this precious life.
Know thy-self - and make this life beautiful, worthy, and blissful.

But at the same time, he is telling us that this path is Agam - inaccessible - extremely difficult.
Only a brave - courageous, and determined person with a strong will can proceed on this Agam path.
                                                " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Amazing deep thoughts on the subject ЁЯМ╣ЁЯМ╣

  2. ЁЯСМЁЯСМvery nice ji


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...