Saturday, March 4, 2023

Don't go anywhere else with sorrow -- Apana gam lay kay

Apana gam lay kay kaheen aur na jaaya jaaye 
Ghar mein bikhri huyi cheezon ko sajaaya jaaye 

Jin chiraagon ko havaon ka koyi khauf nahin 
Un chiraagon ko havaon say bachaaya jaaye 

Baag mein jaanay kay aadaab huaa kartay hain 
Kisi titalee ko na phoolon say udaaya jaaye 

Ghar say masjid hai bahut door chalo yoon kar len 
Kisi  rotay huye bachchay ko hansaaya jaaye 
                   " Nida Fazli "

                English Translation 

Let's not go anywhere else with our sorrow. 
Let's arrange the scattered things and decorate the house of our Mind.

The lamps that have no fear of the winds
Let's protect those lamps from the wind

There are manners - etiquettes to go to visit the garden
Let's not make the butterfly fly away from the flowers.
(Let's not disturb or interrupt the life of others and place obstacles in their path)

The mosque is far away from home, so why not do this instead -
Let's make a crying child smile - happy and cheerful.


  1. Apne hi ghar mein sitaron ki mehfil sajaya jaaye …

  2. Rev. Rajan Ji. Thanks for sharing the wonderful advice in form of poem.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...