Monday, March 13, 2023

Na Ham Qatraa samajhtay hain na Dariya

          Ye Hasti - Nesti sab mauj-kheji hai mohabbat ki 
         Na ham qatraa samajhtay hain na ham dariya samajhtay hain
                                 " Firaq Gorakhpuri"

Existence - Nonexistence is all billowing of the waves of passion- floating thoughts of our fascination - our curiosity - the longing to understand everything in the world - every mystery of nature.

But the truth is that we neither understand the drop nor the ocean.

From the beginning, the inquiry into the existence of the soul and the Supreme Soul has been a matter of interest and curiosity all over the world.
This matter has been discussed in every religion, sect, or society.
Atma and Parmatma - Soul and God are mentioned in every religious book and holy scripture.
Veda, Shastra, Granth, and all religious books talk about it and try to explain this subject. 
But in the end, everyone says Alakh, Agochar, and Agamya - that is, It is incomprehensive - impossible to understand.
Vedas and Upanishads say Neti Neti.
Kabir ji says -
           'Sankadik Naarad Muni Sekha - Tin bhi Tan meh Man nahi pekhaa'
Meaning - Sanak, Sanaatan, Narad, and Shesh, etc. - the great sages also could not see the soul in the body -  even they could not apprehend it.
In Akal Ustati, Guru Gobind Singh ji says:
          "Bed Kataib na bhed lakhiyo sab haar paray hari haath na aayo"
Meaning: Even the four Vedas and the four books - Quran, Anjeel (Bible), Turait (Torah), and Zabur could not explain it.
Holy Gurbani has also repeatedly referred to it as Agam, Agochar, Alakh, and Apaar.
The very first verse of Avtar Bani says
               "Man Buddhi te Aklon Bahray.
In other words, everyone has proclaimed it beyond apprehension -  beyond the understanding of mind and intellect.
The Sufi poets consider God the ocean - that is Vahad-hu-la-shareeq - Lafaani -Lasaani - and beyond the understanding. And the soul a drop of that great ocean.
But nevertheless, we have not understood either of them.

We often talk about the mystery of existence and Nonexistence out of curiosity - for the love of philosophy - 
Though we have neither understood the drop nor the ocean.

The views expressed in the translation are my own - and may not reflect the original sentiments of the poet.
                                       " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Ho bhi Nahi aur Har Jahan ho, tum ek ghorak dhanda ho 🌹🙏🏻

  2. Rajan ji you are gifted with knowledge and your ability to express is amazing.
    Truly you are a blessing for all of us.
    Dr. Jagdish S

    1. Thank you so much - you are always so kind and helpful - 🙏🙏

  3. Thank u so much for sharing..each one of them is thought provoking 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Wonderful explanation Thank you ji


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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