Thursday, March 2, 2023

A moment with Enlightened one vs Alone - Yak zamaana sohbat-e-ba Auliya

            Yak Zamana, Sohbat-e-ba-Auliah
            Behtar az, Sad-Sala ta'ate-be-riya

              یک زمانہ صحبت -ے- با -اولیا
               بہتر از صد سلا طاعت بے ریا
                                        مولانا رومی

A moment spent in the company of an enlightened one
Is better than a hundred years of sincere worship sitting alone."
                                                 ~ Maulana Rumi ~

Sitting with an Auliya - an Enlightened one even for a little while is better than worshipping alone for a hundred years - and trying to find the Truth on your own.

It can be applied to every domain in life - in any field of learning.
Learning from someone who knows the subject - is easier and faster than learning it alone.

The same is true in spirituality. 
If we are striving for enlightenment - then it's better to find an enlightened person and spend some time - or a lot of time with them - on a personal basis. 
Being with enlightened people on a one-to-one basis can enhance our understanding much faster and more clearly.  
So much can be learned from the experience of those who have already traveled on this path and achieved their goal. 
It will save us the effort and time that we will spend to find out the Truth on our own. 
According to Hazarat Rumi, one moment with the enlightened one equals hundred years of individual practice. 
                                                              " Rajan Sachdeva "

Note: Some people believe it was written by Shams Tabrezi - the Guru or Peer of Maulana Rumi


  1. Indeed.
    Wisdom from a stranger is better than ignorance from a friend 🥀🙏🏻🥀

  2. So is the Satguru, with his grace we have been enlightened and we continuously being blessed with her preachings .

  3. In all fields of science, medicine, engineering, economics, philosophy, or literature, we study the past accumulated knowledge from teachers and books before we are able to practice it and we make our own contribution. If not, then we will spend our whole life rediscovering just a part of previously available knowledge.
    The same is true in spirituality. We need a Satguru to initiate us. And by attending Satsangs, Satguru is able to guide us further in our personal spiritual journey. Finally, by putting it all into practice in our lives, we may one day achieve Moksha.
    - Ram Nagrani

    1. Thank you Nagrani ji for expanding these thoughts so nicely 🙏

  4. I agree hundred percent with Rumi. Our Satguru teaches us to stay the company of saints🌹🌹

  5. Absolutely right ji. 🙏

  6. Wah wah bahut khub

  7. हिन्दी मे व्याख्या होती आनन्दमय होता

    1. जी - आज कर दिया है -- धन्यवाद


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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