Monday, March 6, 2023

Meditate upon the Unmanifest Formless Rama - Nirgun Ram Japahu Re Bhayi

Nirgun Ram japahu ray Bhayi - Avigat ki gati kathi na jayi
Char Ved,  Smriti, Purana - Nav Vayakarna Maram na jaana
                                  " Satguru Kabeer ji "

O' Brother! Remember and Meditate upon the Unmanifest Formless Rama - who is Avigat - incomprehensible - can not be explained or comprehended - that is beyond the understanding of any being. 
Even the four Vedas, Smritis, Puranas, and other texts and scriptures with beautiful and flawless grammar and language could not understand this deep mystery.
This simple-looking message is meant for both - common people and intellectuals.
Here Kabir ji is addressing everyone - an ordinary man and an intellectual - both as brothers without any discrimination or distinction between the two. 

He is telling the common man that if you do not have the knowledge of the deep philosophy of Dharma, Jiva, Brahma, etc. then don't worry.
Don't worry if you can not read or understand the scriptures.
Even the scriptures do not understand it completely. 
The Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, and Granths are also unable to fully apprehend and explain it - because the Almighty God is Avigat – cannot be known. 
It is unmanifest - it cannot be explained.
Therefore, do not worry - just remember the almighty Ram or God - chant the name - keep meditating and remembering him.

On the other hand - intellectuals are being told to remember that the Almighty God is Avigat - incomprehensible - beyond the understanding of the intellect.
Even the Vedas and Smritis - scriptures and texts having complete knowledge of grammar - with refined and sophisticated language are also unable to explain this unmanifested in words.
They too in the end say Neti-Neti only.
So instead of focusing on language and pronunciation – instead of debating the true meaning and interpretation of each word – try to grasp the essence and focus on chanting, meditation, and recitation.

In other words, Kabir ji is telling everyone - whether he is an illiterate or a learned scholar - not to get entangled and trapped in intellectual mumbo-jumbo of philosophy and theology - because no one can comprehend the incomprehensible.
Let's remember the Gyan received from the Satguru and fill our minds, intellect, and heart with pure love and devotion for Almighty Nirankar and focus on Sumiran and self-realization.
                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Beautiful reminder. It's like tracing our path back to home where we belong. Thank you Sir 🥀

  2. Thanks for these pearls of wisdom 🙏
    Sanjeev Khullar

  3. Wah..a brief but complete message for us all.Thanks 🙏

  4. very nice analysis

  5. Brilliant explanation


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