Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Did not value the time in College

Sabaq umr-e-ravaan ka dil-nasheen honay nahin paataa 
Hamesha bhooltay jaatay hain jo kuchh yaad kartay hain 

Na jaani qadr teri umr-e-rafta ham nay college mein 
Nikal aatay hain aansu ab tujhay jab yaad kartay hain 

Dil-e-Nashaad rotaa hai zubaan uff  kar nahin sakti 
Koyi suntaa nahin yoon be-navaa fariyaad kartay hain 

Adab taleem ka jauhar hai - Zevar hai javaani ka 
Vahi shaagird hain jo khidmat-e-ustaad kartay hain

Zamanay ka Moallim imtihaan un ka nahin kartaa 
Jo aankhen khol kar ye dars-e-hasti yaad kartay hain 
                            " Brij Narayan Chakbast "

Sabaq                   = Lesson
Umr-e-Ravaan    = Continually moving age - Increasing age, Fleeting life 
Dil-Nasheen   = Residing, staying in heart, Occupant of heart
 Umr-e-Rafta     = Past life - the time of life that has passed
Dil-e-Nashaad    = Unhappy heart
Be-Navaa             = Without words, without sound 

Unable to grasp the lessons of fleeting age 
Keep forgetting everything that we want to remember.

Did not value the time when we were in college 
Tears come out now while thinking about the old times.

The unhappy heart cries, but the tongue cannot utter a word.
No one hears the appeals of the heart - because they are made without words - without sound.

Modesty is the jewel of education and knowledge - It's the ornament of youth
True disciples are those who sincerely respect and serve their teachers.

The wise teacher of time does not test those - 
who remember the secrets of life and keep their eyes open. 

                       Review - Reflection 
With growing age, life teaches us so many things.
Every moment we learn something new - but it does not stay in the heart. 
It doesn't become a part of our life.
We should try to apply the lessons we learn every day. 
We should try to implement them in our day-to-day life.
And now is the time to do it.
There is no use in regretting and repenting later when the time is gone.
We must value the present time and use it properly and wisely. 

We all learn from many people in our life - from many Ustaads, Masters, Saints, and Gurus.
But usually, we forget them after some time.
However, good people always remember them.
It is the quality of great people that they always remember and respect those from whom they have ever learned something in their life.
They never forget or disrespect them.
Courtesy, politeness, and respect - are the jewels of wisdom and Gyana. 
Gyan has no value if there is no modesty and humility.
It is only through humility that wisdom shines forth.
It is only through modesty that one can help illuminate others.
Those who understand and remember these values of life - 
Those who keep their eyes open - succeed in life.
                                " Rajan Sachdeva "

1 comment:

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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