Sunday, March 19, 2023

If there is turbulence in the sea - Agar dariya me hal-chal ho

        Agar dariya me hal-chal ho to kashti bach bhi sakti hai 
         Magar kashti me hal-chal ho to kashti doob jaati hai 

Hal-Chal   = Turbulence, Turmoil, Disturbance, Disorder, Disruption 


If there is a storm - if there is turbulence in the river or sea, the chances are that the boat might survive.

But if there is turbulence in the boat itself - 

then it may not reach the shore. It may drown.


It's possible that the turbulence and turmoils of the world may not disturb the Gyanis. 

They can continue their spiritual journey without getting affected by them - they can still attain their destination.

But if the worldly turmoils and frenzies enter and stay in the mind of a Gyani, 

then it would be hard to achieve the goal of Liberation.

                                " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Hanji, a fact that must be recognized. If I may add, it maybe possible to prevent the turmoils by not go out into the turbulence. Although Easily said than done. But would requires some thinking ahead, some past experience, more intuition, lots faith/trust in God and the obvious wisdom. With that being said, some amazing and truly memorable experiences in life happen in those times of turbulence and uncertainty. Regardless of the choise we make, as you said, the turmoil and turbulence should not enter the minds of a Gyani.

    So the question is, if these thoughts and uncertainties to enter and stay in the mind of a Gyani, what is the Gyani or Saint to do? And prior to that, how was it possible the the turbulence and turmoils were able to enter and stay in the mind of a Leaned Saint (gyani/mahapursh)?

  2. Saints understand the turbulence in the sea but their faith in Nirankar keep them unshaken🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...