Saturday, March 11, 2023

It's okay to lose something for someone

This morning, I found a beautiful quote sent by a friend.
      "It's okay to lose something for someone, 
        but you shouldn't lose someone for something 
       Because life can return Something - but not Someone." 

In life - we often encounter situations where we have to make tough choices. 
Sometimes, we give up something we value to make someone happy -  let go of something we cherish for the sake of someone we care about. This could be anything from material possessions, personal preferences, or even our time. 
This is called sacrifice - an act of kindness that shows our loved ones that we value their happiness and well-being.

Sacrifice is a noble gesture - it earns respect and brings people closer. 
But sacrificing relationships with our beloved ones for the sake of some temporary materialistic gains is not a sacrifice - it is selfishness. 
It's important to remember that relationships are ultimately more valuable than material possessions. 
Relationships are the foundation of our emotional and mental well-being. They offer a sense of belonging, support, and security. 
No amount of material possessions or worldly pleasures can replace the love and support of loving relationships. 
Materialistic things can be replaced - they can be bought again. But we can not buy love - we can not buy another parent or siblings. 
We need to be mindful of our priorities and make a conscious effort to put our relationships first.
When we prioritize the needs of our loved ones over our own desires, we show them that they are important to us and that we are willing to make sacrifices for their well-being. 
These actions can help to strengthen our relationships and deepen our connections with the people we care about. We can cultivate deep, meaningful connections that enrich our lives and give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

So, it's okay to lose something for someone, but we should never lose someone for something.
Losing someone we cherish can leave a void in our lives that cannot be filled.
                                  " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Rajan ji I would like to share that this is a very good example of Pure Sensibility and one which has also been part of the value system of our up bringing. However, it also reminds me of the saying 'Common Sense is not so Common '

  2. Another quote that comes to mind goes something like 'People are meant to be loved and things used but we use people and love things'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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