Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Ego - The Subtle Maya - Moti Maya sab tajen Jheeni taji na jaye

        Moti Maaya sab tajen - Jheeni tajee na jaaye
        Peer Paigambar Auliya - Jheeni sab ko kaaye
        Maaya taji to kya bhayaa - je maan tajeyaa na jaaye
        Maan Muni Munivar galay - Maan sabhi ko khaaye
Satguru Kabir ji's writings are always quite profound and truthful. 
He does not hesitate to speak the truth. 
He speaks fearlessly and often hits that spot where our thoughts can not reach - what we can not even think or imagine.

In the couplets written above, Kabir ji says that -
It is not difficult to renounce the gross visible Maya - such as home, belongings, wealth, worldly pleasures, etc.
Many people can do this.
But getting rid of the subtle Maya - the ego - is not easy.
Even great Peers, Prophets, Auliyas, Saints, and Sages have not been able to give up their egos and pride.
The snake of ego bites everyone – its poison consumes everyone.
That's why all the scriptures - all the Gurus and Saints repeatedly warn us to avoid ego.

           Saadho, man ka maan tyaago
           Kaam krodh sangat durjan ki taa tay ehinis bhaago
(O' Sadho- O' good people - renounce the ego from your heart.
Stay away from lust, anger, and the company of evil, wicked people day and night)
                                  (Guru Teg Bahadur ji)

      Pal pal yad karo is Rab nu maan da bhaanda choor karo
      Simar simar kay esay Rab nu chintaa man di door karo 
      Saadh charan tay rakh kay sir nu door dilon hankaar karo                            
(Remember the Almighty every moment and break the pot of ego.
Meditate upon the name of the Lord and remove your anxieties. 
Bow down to the Saints - be humble and remove ego from your heart).
                  (Avtar Bani - 76)

       Main meri nu maar kay nikki nikki kutt
       Bharay khazaanay Sahib day - gauraa ho kay lutt

Meaning - 
Slowly - day by day - little by little - keep practicing to avoid the false pride of I, me, and mine.
Keep practicing to renounce the ego of possessions, knowledge, and intellect.
The less the ego - the more peace there will be in life.
                                " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. I love Kabir ji sabad which left profound effect on me. Your in depth analysis is appreciated 🙏🌹🙏

  2. Thank u so much for sharing..each one of them is thought provoking 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. very nice article


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...