Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Khayaalistaan-e-hasti mein -- In the world of thoughts

Khayaalistaan-e-hasti mein agar gam hai khushi bhi hai 
Kabhi aankhon mein aansoo hain kabhi lab par hansi bhi hai 

Inhee gam ki ghataaon say khushi ka chaand niklegaa 
Andheri raat kay parday mein din ki raushni bhi hai
                                 Akhtar Sheerani

Khayaalistaan-e-hasti  = The world of thoughts & emotions

In Khayalistan- the world of mind, if there is sorrow -there is happiness also.
Sometimes there are tears in the eyes -
And sometimes, there is also laughter on the lips.

The moon of happiness will emerge from these clouds of sorrow.
There is always a light of day hidden in the veil of a dark night.

In the world of thoughts - in the world of the mind, sorrow and happiness both are there. 
The state of mind does not always remain the same. 
Sometimes joy - sometimes sorrow. 
Sometimes laughter on the lips and sometimes tears in the eyes.
Sometimes hope - sometimes despair - 
Sometimes enthusiasm - and sometimes sadness, depression, and dismay.
But nothing remains the same forever in the world. 
After the night of no moon, the moon appears again. 
Day after night and night after day - this cycle continues. No matter how dark the night is - no matter how long it seems, it eventually ends - and the sun's rays light up the world again.
Similarly, happiness and sorrow keep coming and going in life.
Keep in mind that nothing is permanent in the world. Everything keeps changing.
We should not be proud in times of happiness 
And should not get too grief-stricken in times of sorrow.
Instead of getting distracted by sorrow, calmly try to find a way to overcome it with peace and courage.
             Sukhaavsanay idmev saaram, dukhaavsanay idmev gneyam.
             Dehaavasane Idmev Jaapyam, Govind Damodar Madhaveti
Be it happiness or sorrow - eventually, everything comes to an end - everything changes.
Even the body is mortal and perishable. 
This is the essence of life and the world. 
Gyanis remember this Gyana - the wise people recognize this fact and, while living - keep meditating and chanting Govind till the end of the body.
                                            " Rajan Sachdeva "

Govind - Go + Vind
Go means earth or creation
Vind means maker or creator
Govind - means the creator of the world - the one who creates and sustains.
Whom we know and call by innumerable names like Nirankar Prabhu, Ishwar, Allah, Waheguru God, etc.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...