Thursday, March 30, 2023

चलता रहेगा यूँ ही सिलसिला Chaltaa Rahega yoon hi Silsila

शिकवा किसी से क्या और किसी से क्या गिला 
हंस के क़बूल कर ले तू किसी से जो मिला
तू चाहे या न चाहे - तू माने या न माने
चलता रहेगा यूँ ही इस दुनिया का सिलसिला
                                   (जगन्नाथ आज़ाद)

Shikvaa kisi say kya - aur kisi say kya gilaa
Hans kay qabool kar lay tu kisi say jo milaa
Tu chaahay ya na chaahay-Tu maanay ya na maanay
Chaltaa rahegaa yoon hi is duniya ka silsilaa
                                     (Jagan Nath 'Azaad')

Why so many expectations?
Why so many complaints? 
Whatever you receive from others - 
whatever comes your way - 
Accept it with a smile. 
(Because) whether you like it or not - 
Whether you accept it or not -
The cycle of this world will continue the way it is.


  1. So true!
    To complain, to criticize, to judge others, or discriminate against are all pointless. The wise refrain from all such thoughts.
    - Ram Nagrani

  2. I pray that such a state of mind is maintained 🌹🌹

  3. 🙏Very True...This Is Everlasting Truth.
    Dhannirankar ji

  4. True mahatma ji🌹🌹🙏🙏

  5. दुनिया का सिलसिला तो चलता रहेगा, पर यह मन फ़िर भी नही मानता,

  6. 🙏🏼u shown d right path through d message... thanku... d message for the current situation wa are going through😊😊💐

  7. 🙏Bahut hee sunder advice.

  8. Beautiful,thank you very much for letting us know about our old cecret of history 👩‍👧‍👧👍thanks again

  9. Beautiful thank you Rajan ji 🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...