Sunday, March 5, 2023

Neither I thought nor understood - Na Socha Na Samjhaa

Na socha na samjhaa na seekha na jaana 
Mujhay aa gaya khud-b-khud dil lagaana 

Zaraa dekh kar apna jalwaa dikhaana 
Simat kar kaheen aa na jaaye zamana

Zubaan par lagi hain vafaaon ki mohren 
Khamoshi meri keh rahi hai fassana

Gulon tak rasaaii to aasaan hai lekin 
Hai dushvaar kaanton say daaman bachaana 

Karo laakh tum maatm-e-naujvaani
'Qadeer' ab naa aayega guzraa zamaana 
                           " Qadeer  Lakhnavi "

Rasaaii  =  Access, Reach,  Approach, Apprehension

             English Translation and my commentary: 

Neither I thought nor understood nor learned nor considered 
The feeling of love came to me naturally - on its own.

Love is a natural feeling that can not be taught, learned, or compelled by others. 
The feeling of love for someone - or for all - is a natural tendency that depends upon the state of mind. 
Love toward everyone naturally comes to us when we broaden the horizons of our thoughts and beliefs.

Show your beauty - your talent - your skills after careful consideration. 
The whole world might shrink and come to you. 

This couplet may be seen in both positive and negative connotations. 
The whole world might come to appreciate and learn your skills. 
Are you willing to share your knowledge? 
Or, the whole world might become jealous of you and try to stop you. 
So, be careful. 
In both scenarios - serious consideration is required.

My tongue is stamped with loyalty, respect, and care.
My silence is telling my story now. 

Sometimes, it's the silence - that speaks more than the tongue - more than the speech and words.

Reaching, approaching the flowers is easy - 
but protecting the garment from the thorn is difficult.

We might not be able to avoid the thorns if we want to get the flowers. 
There would be obstacles and hardships on the way to achievement. 
Some people also might want to stop you and place barriers to block you. 
However, if we do not let obstacles stop us, achieving the desired goals will not be difficult. 

You may grieve a million times for your youth - 
But it will never come back. 

The past is gone. No one can go back in time. 
Therefore, instead of regretting what we did not do or achieve, we should focus on the present 
and make good use of the 'here and now'. 
These comments are my personal views - and may not represent the true sentiments of the poet.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...