Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Question on "Tum se mil kar Udaas rehtaa hoon"

A new comment on your post "तुम से मिलना ख़ुशी की बात सही Tum se Milnaa khushi ...": 

Dhan Nirankar Uncle ji, I didn't understand this poem... Agar kissi se milne ki khawish hai toh milke udaas kyu?? 


As I had mentioned earlier, this sher was written by Abdul Hayi, popularly known as Sahir Ludhianavi. I don’t know what exactly his thoughts were when he wrote this couplet; I can only assume what he might have meant.

According to some of Sahir’s close friends, who also published few books on Sahir’s poetry and life, say that most of Sahir’s romantic poetry was an expression of his sadness and pain of separation from his long time sweetheart Amrita Preetam. Because of the circumstances; social and cultural differences, they could not get married. So there was always a great sense of longing and pain of separation in his heart that was constantly expressed through his marvelous poetry. I am assuming he was expressing the same feeling in this verse.

Tum se Milnaa khushi ki baat sahi, 
Tum se mil kar Udaas rehtaa hoon 

 “Though meeting you is indeed a moment of joy, I still remain sad after having met you (longing for ‘more’ and a permanent union keeps me sad).”

And that is exactly how I felt while coming back from Toronto after being in the presence of the beloved Guru for a short while. I felt something was missing.

Being with the Guru on a physical level was undoubtedly a moment of extreme joy, but at the same time there was an acute sense of ‘longing’ for the permanent union on the level of ‘Soul and the Super-Soul’.

And suddenly that Sahir’s sher (couplet) popped up in my mind and I posted it after coming back.

                      ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

 Note: Please read this older post also on the similar topic.

Tum ko dekhtaa hoon to ... (When I see you)

1 comment:

  1. Dhan Nirakar Ji
    Very simple, expectations too high, meetiing could not achieve it or though expectations are getting met, fear to losing that Anand has taken over. Only solution seems practical in both the situation's is continuous practice or ability to put Guru Gyan to use.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...