Saturday, August 28, 2021

Remembering Abba - Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib on his birthday

A legend - Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib
  My Guru, My inspiration
(August 28,1928 to March 13, 2004)

Learning from a good teacher is an experience that can sometimes be more profound than education itself.

This is how I feel about Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib, whom we (his students) called Abba out of respect and love for him.

Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to learn from him for long. However, whatever time I spent with him was very valuable - every moment spent with him is an unforgettable experience of my life. 

Teaching is one of the noblest professions. A good teacher not only helps the students to gain knowledge but also helps them to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. 

Once, he told me that apart from practicing the lessons and compositions taught by the teacher - students should improve their personal skills and caliber also. They should enhance their Soch - their thought process, which is essential in shaping an individual's career and life.

He was one of the greatest musicians - awarded with 'Bharat Sitar Samrat' by the Artistes Association of India and 'Aftab-e-Sitar' - the bright Sun of the Sitar by the President of India. 

The prime minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said in a statement, ''Ustad Vilayat Khan was a child prodigy to whom goes the credit of taking the sitar beyond the shores of this country.''

Moreover, he is a legend because he changed the way  Sitar was played before him. He invented a new style of Sitar playing called the Gayaki-Ang - the singing or vocal style. After listening to him, people used to say that he sings with his fingers.              

Ustad Vilayat Khan looms so great over the Sitar-world. Today, the wave of Gayaki style of instrumental music -set in motion by him has influenced all of the Sitar music. The followers of the Vilayat Khan-style sitarists outnumber all other Gharanas. Whether they admit it or not, most Sitar players these days try to imitate him.

His renderings of the folk songs of different parts of India were also unique. His rendition of Chaiti, Bhatiyali, and Durga Bhavaani-Dayaani brought out the same deep emotions in the hearts of the listeners. 

He had an exceptional musical mind and a photographic memory, which helped him to retain and mysteriously process his musical inputs. 

One day, he heard a beggar woman singing in the street. He invited her to sing for him - paid her generously, and rendered her song as a bandish (composition) at a concert next evening.

The legacy of a musician consists of his style and his contributions to the world of music. Therefore, Ustad Vilayat Khan ranks as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

Though I did not have much time to learn from him and serve him, I feel fortunate to have received abundant love and blessings from him and Amma (his wife). 

His elder son Ustad Shujat Hussain Khan is also a legend in his own way and one of the greatest Sitar players of this time. I am ever so grateful to him and his younger brother Hidayat Khan for their continual love and friendship. 

'Rajan Sachdeva'


Chaiti Dhun

Thumri Bhairavi

Bhavani - Dayani

Some old memories at my place (1988)
👇           👇

 He will always live in the hearts and minds of millions
Through his heavenly divine music
for centuries to come


  1. ���� Beautiful tribute! Jai guru. Wonderful memories captured in the lovely pics.

  2. Memorable memories which leads life with efficiency

  3. Guru and shishya relationship is unique.
    It is not encompassed within conventional established relationships like brother,sister,mother
    Or father because it supercedes these and is established at a different level. It is not imposed at birth but accepted by choice willingly, is mutual
    And life-long. It is at intellectual level, nay,at spiritual level. Sometimes it ceases to be a relation
    for that requires two people. As it may fuse into one.
    Prem Khilanani

    1. Dr. Prem Khilnani ji
      Thank you for your valuable comments.
      You are right. The Guru-Shishya relationship is unique. Today's relationship between teacher and students is very different and one way. The teachers teach as if it is just a duty - by simply delivering lectures. It's up to the students if they apprehend the lesson - the knowledge or not. Teachers do not feel responsible for the uplifting and enhancement of the students. There is no personal touch - it's remote - just a distant connection - Not a genuine relationship.
      I was fortunate to have such personal and loving relationships with some of the great personalities of my time.
      Thanks again for the comments - for sharing your wisdom.

  4. So amazingly beautiful to go through ur memoirs with such great men..Speaks volumes of the pedigree uve inherited from such achievers..
    Blessed to know u mahapurushon ji��������

  5. What a Tribute from an ever grateful student to his Ustad (teacher) of the caliber of Ustad Vilayat Khan.

  6. Gurur devo bhavah

  7. Thank you Guruji for sharing this post..there are so many things that we come to know from his students that are not available elsewhere

  8. Salutations to your Beloved Guru! ����

  9. You were lucky to have him as your Teacher and it's lucky to have Students like you too.


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