Monday, August 30, 2021

Happy Krishna Janmashtami

Lord Krishna's birthday is celebrated as Janmashtami - 
to remember his fascinating divine life and the universal teachings. 

In the history of Indian religions - in all systems and schools of thought - the only person who is considered Yogeshwara - the perfect Yogi, is Krishna. 
He is considered Sarvgun Sampann or Sarvkala Sampurna - 
meaning perfect in all aspects of life with all the virtues and great qualities attributed to humanity.

Bhagavad Geeta - the dialogue between Lord Krishn and his disciple Arjun is a complete book that touches all aspects of practical life - from individual to social perplexities and dilemmas on a universal level. 
It's not a religious book of rituals and dogmas or rules and regulations. 
It's a book of practical ideology - that encourages to do the right Karma to the best of one's abilities according to the circumstances.

Every authentic incident* of his life - perceived realistically or metaphorically - can also provide a realistic and adequate solution to solve all our problems and dilemmas.

Krishna was born in the darkness of the night, in the locked confinement of a jail.
However, at the moment of His birth, all the guards fell asleep - the chains broke, and the barred doors gently opened.
Similarly, as soon as Krishna ( Chetna - Awareness with Gyan) takes birth in our minds, all darkness (Negativity ) fades.
All chains of Ego, I, Me, Myself, etc. - get broken.
And all prison doors we keep ourselves in - such as Race, Religion, Superiority complex about Profession, Relations, etc. are opened.
We become free from all illogical dogmas and false concepts.

That is the Real Message and Essence of Janmashtmi.

May Almighty Nirankar fill your life with peace, happiness, abundance & contentment.
May everyone be blessed with good health, prosperity & positivity.
May there be peace and calmness in the whole universe.
                               Happy Krishna Janmashtami to all!
                                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '

* Unfortunately, many fabricated stories associated with Lord Krishna have been written and publicized - which have no authentic or historical proof whatsoever. 


  1. Dhan Nirankar 🙏🙏🙏
    Thank you very much for the light of knowledge and right concept of God and religion always lighted for us . 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Thank you for guidance and blessings 🙏

  3. Dhan nirankar hazoor great explanation of Janamashtami plz allow me to share in my community friends and relatives 🙏🙏

    1. Please Feel free to share the links to any articles from the blogs.

  4. Wonderful description of janamashtami


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