Thursday, August 26, 2021

Raindrops of Thoughts and Desires

At every moment, the raindrops of thoughts and desires continually keep on dropping, pouring into our minds - on the fertile soil of the craving minds.

These thoughts and cravings - which may seem like tiny drops at the beginning, keep on collecting and eventually become like a puddle. We keep on swimming in the same pool of thoughts and passions all the time - until we get tired and exhausted and eventually get drowned in it.

Let the light and heat of the sun of Gyana reach these raindrops of thoughts - emotions and desires - and raise them upwards like a cloud - to the higher realms of reality.

As this beautiful and famous Vedic prayer says:
          "Asato ma, Sad Gamaya 
           Tamso ma, Jyotir Gamaya 
           Mrityur ma - Amritam Gamaya"

Lead me from unreal to Real
From darkness to light - from ignorance to knowledge and wisdom -
And from death to immortality -
from the mortal body to immortal Atma. 
                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Very beautiful and on point analogy. "The raindrops of thoughts and desires", a great way to explain this.

  2. Bhariye Mat Papan ke sang
    Oh Dhoiye Naame ke sang

    Thanks uncle ji
    Dhan nirankar ji


  3. Thank you Rajan Jì for sharing such an amazing thought, beautifully capturing the crux of human’s sorrows and discontents. Even though some rain drops (the desires) may be pure but become muddy when get mixed with the ego and selfish motives of the heart. As sunlight evaporates water, purifying it by leaving all the sediments and dirt behind, similarly the Gurmat purifies soul by connecting it with Nirankar shunning ego and vices behind.
    We are designed to get desires and no one can escape from it but by balancing it with sunlight (sewa, simran and satsang), we can avoid drowning in the puddle of Maya.
    Thank you so much Santoo for enlightening us with such a beautiful thought

  4. Nice thought


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