Sunday, August 22, 2021

Read it Occasionally - Gaahay Gaahay isay padhaa keejay

                  Gaahay Gaahay isay padhaa keejay
                  Dil say behtar koi kitaab nahin

(Do read it occasionally.
There is no better book than your own mind - your own self)

The hardest thing to read is our-self.
Reading others - judging and commenting on them is easy.
But to see ourselves with a fair view - with untainted self-view - 
to observe ourselves objectively is not easy.

However, to evaluate ourselves - truthfully - is the first step on the spiritual journey that leads to the destination of eternal peace.
Therefore, the ancient Indian Scriptures insisted on searching within - not outside.
To search within - not outside - also means searching for our own shortcomings - not others.
To find the elements or emotions that might have contaminated or covered our-self and removing them.

When we stop judging others and start evaluating ourselves, we start progressing on the path to liberation.
Therefore, the wise says:
Do read it frequently. 
There is nothing better than reading our own self.
                             ' Rajan Sachdev '

गाहे गाहे इसे पढ़ा कीजे
दिल से बेहतर कोई किताब नहीं

गाहे गाहे Gaahay Gaahay -  Occasionally


  1. Amazing and a wonderful reminder !

  2. Beautiful thought Rajan Jì! World will definitely be a better place if we stop judging others. This thought also reminded me of Babs Bulle Shah Jì who once famously said
    “ Parh Parh Aalim Faazil Hoya
    Kadee Apne Aap Noo Parheyaa Ee Nai
    Ja Ja Warda Mandar Maseetan
    Kadee Mann Apne Wich Warryya Ee Nai

    Aiwaiyn Roz Shaytaan Naal Lardaan
    Kadee Nafs Apne Naal Larrya Ee Nai
    Bulleh Shah Aasmani Udheeyan Pharda
    Jeyra Ghar Baithaa Ohnoo Pharyaa Ee Nai”

    English Translation

    You have learned all to become a scholar
    Yet you still haven’t discovered yourself
    You rush into Masjid and Mandars all the time
    But you haven’t entered your heart yet
    You fight with Satan all the time?
    Yet you never fight with your own ego
    Bulleh Shah, you go after what is in heavens and skies
    Yet you don’t strive to discover who lives on your heart.

  3. Tu aapni nabed tenu kise nall ki
    Tu gathri sambhaal tenu chor nail ki

    Thanks uncle ji for reminding
    Dhan nirankar uncle ji

  4. Well said, there is nothing better than to read own self!

  5. Very nice reminder Jì ������

  6. Wonderful thoughts to go deep in to mind to reform


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