Tuesday, July 5, 2022

We do not realize the value of Joy

Usually, we do not realize the value of joy and prosperity till we taste some adversity - 
until we face some adverse circumstances and difficult situations.
We usually do not appreciate what we have - until we lose it.

We do not value friendship and relationships we have -
and repent when it's lost - when they are gone. 

If that joy and prosperity are taken away from us - when we have to go through some difficult situations, 
only then do we discover the value of the happiness and prosperity we had before. 

Similarly, we do not give much importance to friendship - relationships and associations we have.
And when they are lost - when relationships are broken, then there is remorse.
When good people turn away from us for some reason - or leave the world - 
we begin to repent and wish we had spent more time with them when they were with us.
We wish that we had done some service to them.

But by then, it is usually too late. 
By then - time would have slipped out of our hands.
Therefore, never take anything for guaranteed. 
Let's appreciate everything and everyone we have. 
Love and respect everyone we know and everyone who comes into our life - before it's too late. 

Remember and praise the Almighty also while we have time.
Kabir Ji Maharaj says -
                Aachhay din Paachhay gaye tab Hari syon kiyo na Hait
               Ab Pachhtaaye hoat kya jab Chidiyaan chug gayin khait
Meaning - 
Good days came and went by - then you did not praise and love Hari - the Almighty God.
What's the use of being remorseful now when the birds have devoured the field?
                               " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very true🙏🏻🙏🏻🤲🤲🤲

  2. May Nirankar bless us with wisdom to do right thing at right time 🙏

  3. Absolutely true ji. 🙏

  4. Very well elaborated


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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