Thursday, July 7, 2022

Bhaj Govindam - Moh Mudgar - 1

Once, Adi Shankracharya saw a priest scolding his disciples for their grammatical and pronunciational mistakes while reciting the holy Mantras.

Seeing this, Shankracharya said:

          Bhaj Govindam, Bhaj Govindam - Govindam bhaj moodhmatay

          Sampraaptay Sannihitay kaalay nahi nahi Rakshti Dunkrunkarnay


Worship Govind, Worship Govind, Worship Govind, oh deluded mind!

When the appointed time of death approaches - the rituals and rules of grammar will not be able to save you."

Some people are overly concerned about the grammar and pronunciation of the words written in the Holy scriptures.

Undoubtedly, changing or omitting some words - or pronouncing the words in such a way that may change the meaning of the verse is certainly not good. But understanding and contemplating the real meaning and essence of the message in the Mantras, Mool-Mantras, or Mahavaaks is more important than the grammar and pronunciation or anything else. 

Just repeating the Mantras or phrases without any feelings is useless - regardless of how correctly and accurately they are pronounced. 

It's the devotion - love, and feelings that count - not the rules, grammar, or pronunciation of the words. 

Even if - unknowingly or unintentionally - they say something wrong, the Omniscient All-knowing God knows what is in the hearts and minds of the devotees.

                    " Govind Bhaav Bhakti ka Bhookhaa"

Govind - the Lord, wants pure and sincere devotion - nothing else.

Now - the word Govind can also be taken from different perspectives here. 

We all perceive everything from our own perspective - based on our knowledge, beliefs, and backgrounds.

Many people and devotees think of Govind as a reference to Lord Krishna. 

Because Govind and Gopal - both are most popular alternative names for Lord Krishna. 

Though, the literal meaning of Govind is different.

The word Govind is a combination of 'Go and Vind'.

'Go' in Sanskrit is used for both - a Cow and the Earth. 

In this context, however, it represents the universe.

'Vind or Bind' means Seed, Origin, Source, etc.

So, the literal meaning of Govind is the origin or source of the universe.

According to Advait ideology - which Adi Shankaracharya represents - the source of all creation is the Nirgun ParBrahm - the Ultimate Supreme Reality - without any form or attributes. 

The words 'Govind and Gopal' are repeatedly mentioned in the Adi Granth - the Guru Granth Sahib also. 

Gopal is - Go + Pal.

'Go' - meaning Cow represents the weak and helpless (prey) and 'Pal' is the guardian - protector, caretaker, or custodian. 

The Sikh and Nirankari scholars also translate these words Govind and Gopal - as Nirgun and Nirankar Parmatma - not as a particular Sakaar diety. 

But nevertheless - to begin with - one can chant and meditate on any form of their choice to focus upon. 

As Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Geeta -

           Ye yathaa maam Prapadyantay - Taans Tathaiv Bhajaamyahm.

            Mama Vartmaanu-Vartantay Manushyah Partha Sarvashah  

"In whatever way people worship Me, I reciprocate accordingly. 

O son of Partha - knowingly or unknowingly - everyone follows my path".

                                                                                  (Bhagavad Geeta 4-11)

Whether we chant one name or the other - 

whether we focus on one particular form or the other - the bottom line is to tame the mind.

Therefore, Adi Shankracharya says:
          Bhaj Govindam, Bhaj Govindam - Govindam bhaj moodhmatay

When we want to describe or explain something, we have to give a name to it. 

But ultimately, we must go beyond all names and forms to apprehend Reality.  

                               " Rajan Sachdeva "

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive detail explanation on the topic ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

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