Monday, July 18, 2022

Bhaj Govindam - Moh Mudgar Verse 2

           Moodh Jaheehi Dhan-Aagam Trishnaam
           Kuru Sad-Buddhim Mansi Vitrishnaam 
           Yallabhsay Nij Karmo-Paatam
           Vittam Taina Vinodaya Chittam
                              (Bhaj Govindam - Moh Mudgar Verse 2)

O ignorant! Let go of your thirst to amass wealth.
Make the right decision - Divert your intellect and thoughts toward the Truth, the Real - and your mind to dispassion and detachment. 
Whatever you get through your sincere & honest actions - from your own work - 
Be happy and content with that. 
There are several vital points in this verse to consider. 
In this verse, Shankracharya is not saying that earning wealth is evil, immoral, or sinister - or to give up worldly life. 
He says the thirst for hoarding - accumulating amass wealth is foolishness - because nothing is permanent. Everyone leaves this world empty-handed. 
Therefore, give up the Greed for wealth and attachment to possessions. 

Even though Shankracharya was a Sanyasi - a monk - he had renounced the world and begged for his food - as all monks do. Yet, he does not advise everyone to become a Sanyasi or a monk. 
He says - to be content with whatever you earn through your sincere & honest actions. 
In other words, do not cheat - do not embrace the wrong means of making money, and do not be greedy. 
The same has been said in the Ishopanishad:
         "Ma Gridhah Kasya Sviddhnam" 
 Do not snatch someone else's possessions - that, what belongs to someone else - not to you.

According to the Vedas, there are two ways to achieve the goal - to be free from the Samsara. 
One is Sanyas Marg - renounce the world and focus on Reality only.
Second is Grahasth Marg - living in the world as a household - yet keeping the mind focused on Reality.

Shankracharya chose the first Marg for himself. 
In this verse, however, he is trying to guide those who choose the second path - the Grahasth Marg. 
Those who want to stay in the world - and also want to become free of Samsara. 
To them, he says: 
Earn your living by proper, sincere, and honest means, and be content with what comes your way. 
Do not seize others' belongings. 
Do not be greedy - let go of attachments - and devote your intellect and mind to the Truth.
                                                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '
Meaning of Sanskrit words:
Moodh  =   Ignorant, Delusional
Jaheehi  =  Give up, Let go
Dhan-Aagam Trishnaam = Greed - Thirst to accumulate wealth
Kuru Sad-Buddhim  = Have pure thoughts, Make the right decision
Mansi Vitrishnaam = Be detached in your mind
Yallabhsay   = Whatever you receive - whatever comes your way
Nij Karmo-Paatam  = Through your own sincere work
Vittam Taina   = with that money
Vinodaya Chittam  = Be happy, content in your heart

मूढ जहीहि धनागमतृष्णां कुरु सद्बुद्धिं मनसि वितृष्णाम् । 
यल्लभसे निजकर्मोपात्तं वित्तं तेन विनोदय चित्तम् ॥ २ ॥


  1. Most of our teachers guide us at some point in our lives but you guide us through every day with love and kindness and patience.
    We all are grateful to have you in our lives 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Thanks for explanation of bhaj govindam 🙏🌹

  3. Wonderful 👍🙏

  4. Dnj Bhaisahib ji. Really very true Path. Very hard but Baba ji made it so easy and you explained exactly Shankaracharya maharaj wanted to convey us. Thank you sooooooooooo much 🤲🤲🤲🙏🏻🙏🏻


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