Sunday, July 24, 2022

The sun hasn't set yet, the evening is still there -- Abhi sooraj nahin dooba

                             Scroll down for the English translation

Bahut nikleen magar ik hasrat-e-nakaam baaki hai 
Hamaaray sar navard-e-shauq ka ilzaam baaki hai 

Bahut seekhay,bahut samjhay, bahut padh leen kitaaben bhi 
Samajhnaa Raah-e-Haq ka par abhi paighaam baaki hai 

Abhi nafrat, kudoorat dil say rukhsat ho nahin paayi 
Abhi nazron mein oonch aur neech, khaas-o-aam baaki hai 

Abhi chhotay baday ka farq dil say mit nahin paaya 
ki har ik shakhs ko denaa abhi ikraam baaki hai 

Hazaaron baar waaiz say suni 'us duniya' kee baaten 
Vo utray gaib say jo Rooh mein ilhaam - baaki hai 

Bahut parvaaz kar lee hai zameen-o-aasmaanon kee 
Jahaan miltaa ho dil ko chain bus vo baam baaki hai 

Bahut dauday hain paanay manzilen ta-umr ham yaaro 
Bas ab to aakhiri ik manzil-e-aaraam baaki hai
Abhi Taab-o-Tavaan hai, hosh hai, haathon mein bhi dam hai 
Abhi dekho suboo-e-zindagi mein jaam baaki hai

Chalo Anjaam den 'Rajan' usay -  jo kaam baaki hai 
Abhi sooraj nahin doobaa abhi kuchh shaam baaki hai 
                                    " Rajan Sachdeva "

                    English Translation:

Though a lot has been fulfilled - one unfulfilled desire still remains.

The charge of being a wanderer in the realms of desires still hangs on my head. 

Learned a lot, apprehended a lot, and read a lot of books too

Comprehending the message of Rah-e-Haq - the path of Truth is yet to be accomplished.

Still, the hatred, ill-will, and feelings of animosity have not been removed from the heart.

The status of high-and-low, special-and ordinary people still remains in sight. 

Still, The difference between higher and lower (people) has not been erased from the mind.

We have yet to give equal respect and honor to everyone. 

Thousands of times - we have heard the talks about 'that world' from priests and preachers.

But listening to the intuition that comes from the Higher-Above still remains.

So many flights have been taken on the earth and in the skies -

But the (own) Terrace, where peace of mind can be achieved, is still to be visited. 

Have been running all life long to reach many destinations - O friends.

What is left now - is the destination of the final resting place.

Still, there is energy and resilience (in the body) - 

consciousness is still there - and the hands also have the strength.

There is still a cupful left in the flask of life. 

Let's accomplish the unfinished work - that is still left to be done.

The sun hasn't set yet - some evening still remains. 

                    Meanings of some Urdu words

Hasrat-e-Naakaam = Unfulfilled desires 

Navard-e-Shauq = Wanderer of desires 
Raah-e-Haq = Path of Truth, Righteousness, the ultimate path of enlightenment
Kudoorat = Malice, Ill-will, Animosity
Rukhsat = Departure, Valediction, Farewell, Gone, left 
Ikaraam = Respect, Honor, Regard
Waaiz =   Preacher, Preist, Maulavi, Wise person etc.
Ghaib say = From the Unknown, From the other world, from Inconceivable, unexplainable, etc.
Ilham = Intuition received from higher above - from God, spirit, or universe, etc. 
Parvaaz = flight, to fly
Baam =   Rooftop, Terrace, Balcony 
Ta-Umr = All life, Life-long 
Taab-o-Tavaan = Energy, and Resilience - Ability to apply and resist force. 
Suboo    =  Flask, Pitcher, Jug
Jaam = Cup, glass
Suboo-e-Zindagi mein = in the flask of life
Anjaam = Completion, Fulfilment


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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