Thursday, July 14, 2022

Words, Meanings, and Perceptions

In the ancient Indian system, the human race was classified into three categories - 
Dev - Daanav, and Maanav.

Dev means provider - rich and resourceful but good-natured, kind-hearted people with a Satvik attitude. Generous - Righteous and virtuous - pure and benevolent.
Daanav means people of demonic nature - thieves, robbers, etc. - who snatched the wealth of others and enjoyed inflicted pain on others.
And the third - Maanav - the ordinary middle-class people.

There is a legend in the Puraanas that once all the three communities - Deva, Daanav, and Maanav sent their representatives to Prajaapati Brahmaa for guidance.
When they reached there, Prajapati was about to leave.
After bowing down to Prajapita Brahmaa with respect, they requested him to give them some guidance - some instructions for their communities. So that they can enhance and uplift their lives.
Prajaapati saw them and uttered only one word - D (pronounced as 'The')
and left.

Everyone was confused - no one understood what it meant.
But Prajaapati had already left.
Disappointed, the three representatives went back to their respective places.

When the people of their communities asked them what were the teachings- instructions given by Prajaapati Brahma ji to them? 
They replied that he had said only one word - 'D (the) - nothing else.
The elders and leaders of the communities thought there must be some hidden meaning behind this word. Otherwise, Prajaapati would not have said it.
Scholars were called and asked to find out the meaning of the word.

The Devas thought that they are always indulged in luxury and pleasure -
Therefore the word 'D' said by Prajaapati would mean - Daman - Repression. Suppression of excessive pleasures and desires.
They thought, Surely, Brahma ji wants us to control our lusts, passions,  and desires.

The Daanavs thought - We are evil by nature.
We often torture people, harass them - torment and loot their belongings.
D' is derived from the word Daya - Mercy.
Prajaapati has definitely instructed us to have mercy by saying this word.

And the humans thought -
We were too selfish. 
We are always engrossed in collecting and accumulating wealth for ourselves.
Therefore, the message of Prajapati for us is 'Daan' - Charity - Giving. 
Prajaapati must have asked us to rise above selfishness and give charity - to help others.
In this story, the scholars from different backgrounds chose three distinctive words from the same letter D - Daman, Daya, and Daan.
Each group derived the meaning of the same word according to their own understanding, perception, and background.

Similarly, when we read the Scriptures or hear something from the Gurus, Sages, and elders, we assume our own meanings according to our own understanding and background.

Each person's circumstances might be different.
They may be passing through different phases or stages of life.
Moreover - children, young, and old people usually think differently. 
Their perception is different according to their experience. 

Instead of arguing which definition of a particular verse is correct or incorrect - we should embrace the meaning that can help us move forward and improve our life.
                                         " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Interesting meanings and perceptions from three groups of people🙏🙏

  2. Nicely Explained...thank you so much !🙂🙏
    Anil Gambhir


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...