Saturday, August 13, 2016

The moving Lighthouse

Crashing on the rocks of my ego...
Are the waves of restless emotion 
This is a time for faith my friends;
This is a time for unwavering devotion.

Imagine a boat, a very big boat
All it needs to sink is one hole
We need to remove this sinking feeling
We are all part of the One soul.

Nothing moves without His will
He's the sails, the wind, the deck;
The ocean, the waves, the storm, the boat,
The travelers and even the wreck.

It's all as per the script and plot
and here is the secret to cope...
Remember that you are One with this still;
Observe through the telescope-

Watch on as everything unfolds...
Be calm and keep others calm
You can but warn from a vantage point
And try to keep others from harm

A lighthouse ensures that we can see
The rocks, the path, the route
We must become lighthouses too
If we wish to truly contribute

I recall with fondness, my Lord, My Guide,
Who gave me light and whose body has died...
He lives on, in my memory bank
I use this poem - as a way to thank

How he did not rest, I was not worthwhile,
Yet He saved me, He was just so mobile.
Lighthouses don't move, yet He did!
I guess He cared for every ship, so 'Sid...

You need to move now and learn to give,
He set the example, on how to live.
Till my last breath, may I love from my core;
I'm blessed that I witnessed, your feet on my shore.

   By: 'Sudhir Kundi ' (UK)

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