Monday, May 8, 2023

Lubdham Arthain - Greedy can be owned by ......

Lubdham Arthain Grahneeyaat - Stabdham Anjali Karmnaa
Moorkhm ChhandoAnyvrittain - Yathaarth Tattavain Panditam
                                                   (Chaanakaya Neeti)

A greedy person can be owned and held by offering money and expensive gifts.
An arrogant, stubborn, and angry person can be subdued and tamed with folded hands - with humble gestures and manners.
Fools can be pleased and possessed by praising & flattering. 
By acting according to their desires, you can take advantage of them and eventually get them to work according to your wish. 

(But) a Pundit, that is, a knowledgeable, wise, and learned person, can only be pleased and satisfied by talking about Reality - about the Truth and the fundamental element - (not otherwise )
                                        " Rajan Sachdeva "

In some places, it says - Krudham Anjali Karmana - instead of "Stabdham Anjali Karmana"

Lubdham = greedy Karmana
Arthain = by offering money
Anjali = folded hands
Chhanda Anuvritten = Praise - By Flattering & behaving accordingly 
Reality = true
element = basic element
Pandit = knowledgeable, scholar
Krudham = angry
Stabdham = stubborn, arrogant 

          लुब्धमर्थेन गृहणीयात -स्तब्धमञ्जलिकर्मणा
          मूर्ख छन्दोऽनुवृत्तेन यथार्थत्वेन पण्डितम्
                                            (चाणक्य नीति )


रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो

      सर्वशक्तिमान निरंकार प्रभु को समर्पित तुम से है ब्रह्माण्ड तुम जगत का मूल रुप हो  रुप सब तुम्हारे हैं और स्वयं तुम अरुप हो  अनादि हो अ...