Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Two short stories

Finally, it stopped snowing after two days, and the sun was out.
Snow-covered trees and bushes looked so pretty through the window. 
The whole backyard was covered with beautiful shiny white sheets of fresh snow.
Five-year-old Bobby wanted to go out and play in the backyard.
"Mommy, Can I go in the backyard to play?' He asked his mother.
No - Mom said.
It’s too cold.
"Please, Mommy….. I will wear my jacket and hat and gloves. I will bundle up".
I said No.
But why?
Because I said so.
But why?
"I am your mother - don’t argue with me.

She continued doing her work.
Little Bobby was not happy at all. He was all grouchy and grumpy.
He kept sobbing and complaining.
Mom could not concentrate on what she was doing.
So she called Bobby:
OK. I will let you go out on one condition.
What is that?
You have to wear your jacket and hat and gloves………

Isn't that what Bobby had said in the first place? 
That he will wear his jacket, hat, and gloves and bundle up.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Rita: "Mom, can we have pizza for dinner tonight?"
Mom: "No"
"Outside food is not healthy and good for you every day.
But - it has been three weeks since we had pizza.
You have to eat what I cook and put it on the table. 
Don't argue with me.
                Next day……..
“Rita! Beta, I don’t feel like cooking today. 
  Let's order pizza for dinner”
“But last night you said outside food is not good for us.”
“I know, but it’s been three weeks since we had pizza.”
“Isn’t that what I said last night?”
“Don’t argue with me. I am your mother.”
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~

Is it really about the cold weather?
Or about the outside food not being good? 
Or is it about 'the control'?
In fact, most of the time - it is about 'control'.
Parents over children - and later, children over parents.
Wives over husbands & Husbands over wives 
Teachers over students and Leaders over followers 
Employers over employees - Bosses over sub-ordinates 
and Rulers over their Subjects. 
Everyone wants to control others - whoever they possibly can.
The whole world is about Control.
Ironically, no one wants to be controlled.

The other day, I said - 
I think the story of life is actually about control - My control. 
Therefore - I also want to control.

Whom do you want to control? They asked.
I said: Not Whom... What?

I want to have control over my feelings and emotions - 
Over my thoughts and beliefs - my speech and actions.
Control of what I say, control of what I do.
So ultimately, I can be free.  
                                   " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very Nice blog Rajan Ji! Thanks for sharing

  2. Controlling thoughts feelings emotions actions is important to improve our life🌹🌹

  3. Terminology Restraint is substitute of Control. If this human emotion is used in a positive way, it turns out to be result oriented. Thought provoking blog, Prof Sahib.....

  4. I like this a lot

  5. With deep and infinite gratitude for the beauty of your soul 🕊️🙏


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