Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Experience comes from doing and walking the path

To be able to understand and to do something, knowledge is required. 
But to feel something and make it a part of life needs experience.

And the experience does not come just from reading, listening, or knowing the path. 
It can only be gained by walking the path.
Therefore, we must keep walking - keep going.
And eventually, we can reach the destination.

But we also need to remember where to go - in which direction?
It is necessary to have the correct knowledge of the way and proper directions to the destination.
Walking on the wrong path or in the wrong direction does not help. 
It may even take us farther away from the destination.
If our goal is Aadhyaatm - Spirituality, then we must think in terms of Atma - Spirit - 
and not in terms of the body and physical world. 
Only by rising above the illusions of the bodies - 
we may be able to touch the sky of spirituality.
                      ' Rajan Sachdeva


  1. Experience is the comb that life gives you after you loose your hair We learn from our past mistakes and move forward for better future 🙏

    1. You are right- We all do the same - we always realize our mistakes after the time has passed and wish we had known better

  2. Very very true !

  3. Experience comes doing and walking on path. Don’t be afraid from doing anything 🌹🌹


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