Thursday, May 11, 2023

Seeds that are visible above the ground

Baba Gurbachan Singh ji used to say that a farmer spreads the seeds on the ground and then covers them with dust. 
The seeds that are visible above the ground - never grow - never flourish or blossom.
Similarly, good deeds and Seva should be done with humility and selflessness - not for show-off or recognition and appreciation. 
       Neki kar kooyen me daal 
                 नेकी कर, कूएँ में डाल 
Do some work of charity and forget about it. 

Bible says:
"When you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.    
                           (Matthew 6:2) 
In other words, if we have settled for appreciation - and received appreciation from people, there may not be any more reward from God. That we have already received it - and should not expect any other reward from God.

Seva means Selfless service. 
Baba Gurbachan Singh ji also used to say that the difference between Seva and work is that work is done to get some compensation in return - be it in the form of money, perks, or some other favors and benefits - while Seva is an action without expecting any kind of reward - including thanks and appreciation. 
Therefore, Seva should be performed selflessly from the heart - not just to please someone - to obey the superiors - or to get admiration. 
According to Bible - even your left hand should not know what your right hand is giving in charity.
                                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

* Synagogue  = Jewish temple or church.
But the meaning of Jesus' statement here should not be taken only as the Jewish place of worship.
In the time of Lord Jesus, there were only Jewish religious places in his country - called Synagogues.
That's why he might have mentioned the name of the Synagogue.
But here, the meaning of this word should not be understood for any particular or one religious place but in general for all.


  1. I am impressed with very elaborate explanations 🌹🌹

  2. Mostly every one needs acknowledgement of their charity directly or indirectly..Hence efforts are required to revisit Gyaan again and again


Wise or Naive -- Hoshyar ya Seedhaa Saadaa

Chaahay koi hoshyar hai Ya hai seedhaa saadaa  Har ik banda paapi hai koi thoda hai koi zyaada Chhup jaatay hain paap kisi kay, koi pakdaa ...