Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Do you know why it’s hard to be happy?

Do you know why it is hard for us to be happy 
and stay happy all the time?

Because we refuse to let go of the things that give us pain - 
We can not leave the things that cause us unhappiness. 
We keep revisiting the past and do not want to forget the memories that make us sad.
Therefore, we do not - and can not enjoy the present and what we have right now. 


  1. Sometimes we realize it's best for us to let go,
    We even know that it's in our power to let go,
    We may even express a strong desire to let go,
    And sometimes we may try our best to let go,
    But sadly, all our efforts may still be in vain.

  2. It is etched so deep in our memory that even if we do succeed to let it go, it leaves behind a scar which we cannot erase.

    1. Simran of Nirankar is the only balm that heals all wounds, and makes the scars fade. If we are unable to fully let go, simran instead allows us to leave it to Nirankar 🙏🏼
      - Ram Nagrani

  3. 🙏You are absolutely right ji !🙂
    Anil Gambhir

  4. Because we are constantly looking for happiness outside. Outside happiness is only transient . So for permanant happiness one has to look inside.

  5. Well said ji. "Let go" as stress buster is more of theoretical than practical. Trying-your-best in this direction should be the mantra.

  6. So true guruji!

  7. Sant Jì it’s very true. Great message.

  8. Let it go is the hardest part but it’s simple 🌹🌹

  9. Wow. Simplest answer to most complex problem. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  10. Very true…. Very hard to follow.


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