Monday, May 29, 2023

A joke with the Light - Raushni kay saath Mazaaq

Sab nay milaaye haath yahaan teergee kay saath 
Kitnaa badaa mazaaq huaa Raushni kay saath 
                                 " Waseem Barelavi"

(Everyone has joined hands here with darkness
What a joke it is with the light)
Sometimes even after there is light, we keep running toward the darkness 
We still keep shaking hands with the darkness. 
How unfortunate it is that in spite of having the Gyana - the light of knowledge - we often wander in the darkness of delusion – remain stuck in blind faith and immersed in it.

Even after knowing the imperishable, we still remain attached to perishable things -
Remain entangled in Maya even after attaining Almighty God.
Wouldn't it be just a joke with Gyana - with the light of knowledge?


  1. 🙏Absolutely right ji.

  2. 100% you are right sir !

  3. Rev. Rajan Jì thanks very much Jì for this wonderful message and it’s very valuable


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