Thursday, May 25, 2023

Wasl ka Aasaar - Chances of Union

Wasl ka Aasaar Nazar aata hai 
Saamnay Dildaar nazar aata hai 

Lagtaa hai mil jayengi ab manzilen 
Raastaa Hamvaar nazar aata hai 

Roop Rang Aakaar say man uth gaya 
Jab say Niraakaar nazar aata hai

Azmaton aur shohraton ka shor-gul 
Ab ye sab bekaar nazar aata hai 

Ho agar Beenaayi Aankhon mein to Rab 
Har shai mein Saakaar nazar aata hai 

Dhoondhtaa hai dil sahaara jab koyi 
Ik 'Ye hee' har baar nazar aata hai 

Maut ka phir dar nahin 'Rajan' usay
Jis ko Praan-Aadhaar nazar aata hai 
                " Rajan Sachdeva "

Wasl           =  Meeting, Union
Aasaar       =  Chance, Opportunity
Hamvaar  =  Plain, Smooth, without pots or obstacles
Azmat       =  Respect, Honor, Reverence, etc.
Shohrat    =  Fame, Popularity
Shor-Gul   = Noise
Bekaar        = Pointless, Useless
Beenaayi    = Vision, Ability to see
Rab            =  Arabic word for God
Ye hee        =  This (Pointing towards Almighty God)
Praan-Aadhaar = The source and sustainer of life

                      English Translation

The chances of the union seem to be promising now
I see the beloved standing right in front of me.

It seems that the destination will be achieved now
The path ahead looks plain and smooth to me.

My mind has gone beyond the realms of form and color
Ever since it came in contact with the Formless Nirankar

The noise about name and fame - respect and honor - publicity & popularity - all seems pointless now.

If the eyes have the ability to see - 
God can be seen in everyone and everything.

Whenever my heart looks for some help and support
This' (Nirankar- God) is what I see every time in front of me - always there to take care of me.

The one who constantly sees the source and sustainer of life - does not fear death anymore. 
                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. A beautiful explanation of inspiration 🙏🌹

  2. 👍👍👌🏻very nice poem

  3. Waah Jì Beautiful experience Jì .. 🙏🙏

  4. Very nicely written

  5. بہت خوب عضمتون شہرتوں کا شور و غل سب بیکار نظر آتے ہین -واہ واہ

  6. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 - Ram Nagrani


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