Friday, May 5, 2023

Kurutay Gangasagar Gamanam

Kurutay Gangasagar Gamanam
Vrat-Paripalanamathwa Daanam
Gyan Viheenah Sarv Matain
Bhajati na mukti janma Shaten 
    (Adi Shankracharya - Bhaj Govindam॥ 17॥

One may go to Gangasagar (a pilgrimage place) 
Observe fasts, and give away riches in charity! 
But, devoid of Gyana - no one can achieve Mukti even in hundred births.

Pilgrimage, fasting, charity, and following certain rituals are introduced to maintain discipline and regularity while practicing spirituality.   
It is difficult to achieve success in any field without following proper directions and discipline.
But before discipline and practice, it is necessary to have knowledge of that field - of the subject or the activity. 
Essential knowledge is required before doing any work.

Similarly, the knowledge of Brahman is necessary for attaining Moksha. 
No ritual can be beneficial without the Gyana.
Adi Shankaracharya says - 
According to the holy scriptures, no one can attain Mukti without the Brahm Gyan - not even in a hundred births.
Brahm Gyan is considered to be the only means of attaining Moksha. 
                    " Rajan Sachdeva "

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