Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day

According to ancient Indian scriptures, the mother is said to be a person's first and most important Guru - first and foremost teacher. 

The credit for our Sanskaaras -  our values and manners goes to the mother.
Our mannerisms, etiquettes - how we act and behave - all depend on the samskaras we get from childhood. They are reflections of what we have learned in the early stages of life. 
Behind the achievements of every great Saint and Guru - behind the triumph of great heroes and warriors - we see the hand of their mothers. 
We often find a vital role and teachings of their mothers behind their success. 
Whatever a person learns in early life always remains imprinted in his heart and mind and plays a crucial role throughout the rest of their life. 
Its influence remains throughout life.
Therefore, the scriptures emphasize teaching and inducting the proper Sanskaaras in children's minds. 
As Guru Kabeer ji says:
              Janani Janay taan Bhagat jan - kai daata kai Soor 
That a mother should give birth to - in other words, teach the child to become a Bhagat - that is, a simple, humble, and polite spiritual person -
A Data - a giver - kind, generous, and charitable
and Soor - strong and brave - unshakable and firm who can firmly adhere to the principles and always stick to the truth and righteousness.
                                         " Rajan Sachdeva "

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