Tuesday, November 16, 2021


The man who gets angry at the right things - 
with the right people, and also in the right way 
and at the right time and for the right length of time, 
is commended -
so this person will be patient... 
Because a patient person tends to be unperturbed and not carried away by feelings.


  1. Can you please explain … How does one determine the “right people” , “right way” and “right time” to get angry?

    While immediate reaction(getting angry) to any event/situation may not “always” be correct. The anger caused May have been due to any circumstance, which person may not have known or for any other reason. At the same time, it definitely doesn’t makes sense to keep thinking about the incident and expressing your anger after effect/time, as that moment may have passed.

    1. Or maybe, through the quote you are trying to explain that one should not get angry at all

    2. Reading the quote again… you did mentioned… not to be carried away by feelings… so I guess one should NOT get angry and carefully evaluate … in which case… and in most of times… anger would not be necessary

  2. I think a parent gets angry at their child to correct their mistakes for a very short time would be an example. Also a true friend trying to help and correct their mistakes by showing a bit of anger could be another example. This is just my opinion 🙏

  3. Well thought out quote


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...