Thursday, November 4, 2021

Happy Deepavali / Auspicious Diwali

 Deepawali - Festival of Lights - of illumined lamps.

The lamp is a symbol of light - And light represents Gyana - knowledge.
The scriptures say -
        Gyaan viheena Pashu samaan
That is - without knowledge, man is like an animal.
Because the only difference between humans and animals is knowledge.

Therefore the Vedas say:
              Tamso maa Jyotir Gamaya
From darkness, lead me to light
That is, Guide me from ignorance to knowledge

Mahatma Buddha used to say:
                     Aatm Deepo Bhava
Be your own lamp - your own light.

How can you and how long will you be able to walk in someone else's light?
So be your own light - light the lamp of Gyana in your heart.
He said - a person should decide the purpose of his life - ethics - morality, and immorality by himself.
Not because someone else's is telling you. 
Not just to please someone 
Not depending on help from others - not by using someone else as a crutch - but with your own light. 

                Deepen Lokanjayati Deepastejomayah Smritih
                Chaturvargaprado Deepastasmad Dipariyajet Shree

By illuminating oneself with the shining lamp of Gyana - one can conquer the worlds 
- the worlds of Desires, expectations, and envy. 
Only by the lamp of Gyana can one attain the four Objects - 
that is, Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.
Therefore, one should always keep the lamp of Gyana lit all the time - and keep using it.
It is only by knowledge - that happiness, wealth, truth, and peace can be attained.

            Deepam Jyoti Param Jyoti - Deepam Jyoti Janardanah
            Deepo Hartu Mei Paapam - Deep Jyoti Namostutay!
            Shubham Karoti Kalyaanam, Arogyam Dhan Sampadaam
            Shatru-buddhi Vinaashaye -  Deep Jyoti Namostutay!

Deep -  the light of Gyana is the ultimate and everlasting light. 
The darkness of sin is dispelled only by the light of Gyana.
Good results, a healthy body, wealth, and well-being are all attained by knowledge.
And the perception and attitude of enmity are eliminated from the mind.

       Deepaavaliyam prad daatu nityam 
      Aayushyam Aarogya dhanaani vidyah.
      Sanmitrataam yogyavataam ch 
      Sangbhaktkin ch, vridheshu ch, devbhaashayam
On this auspicious occasion of Deepawali - it is prayed that may this Diwali bless everyone with long life - a healthy body and wealth, and wisdom.
All should be equipped with friendship, understanding, and abilities - Dev Bhasha - kind and sweet speech, generosity, and devotion towards the Lord.
              Deepavali Deepit Sarvaloka 
              Dedipyamaana hridaye jananaam.
             Sneham pareshaam hita-sadhanam cha 
             Samvardhayanti shubhmatanotu

May this Deepavali shine bright for the whole world.
May the feelings of love and kindness - benevolence and welfare of others be infused in everyone's heart.

                Happy and Auspicious Deepawali to all.

And remember:
          Lamps may be different
          But the light is the Same
                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...