Sunday, November 21, 2021

No one knows when they will depart from the world

Aagaah apni maut say koi bashar nahin 
Samaan sau baras ka, pal ki khabar nahin 
                  " Hairat Allahabadi "
                        ( 1835 - 1892 )

No one knows when and how they will depart from this world.
No one can predict the time, place, and mode of their death.
We want, build and buy things that will last for hundred years - 
but we don't even know what is going to happen the next very moment.

आगाह अपनी मौत से कोई बशर नहीं 
सामान सौ बरस का - पल की ख़बर नहीं 
                     " हैरत इलाहाबादी "


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...