Monday, November 15, 2021

Do not cry for what you lost

Do not cry for what you lost
Fight for what is left

Cry not for what has died
Strive for what has not

Do not cry for what is gone 
Enjoy - what you still have

Do not weep for pains and distress
Count your blessings and things you have 

Weep not for those who are gone 
Take care of those who are still with you

Think not of those - who hate you
Think of them who truly love you

Don't be sad when people criticize you
Be happy & grateful when they appreciate

Do not weep for your past
Value the present & secure your future

Do not cry for your sufferings
Instead - Strive for happiness.

From the things that happen to us every day
We can learn to solve problems and enhance our life.

Therefore - 
Do not complain about everything and everyone -
all the time.

Remember and appreciate what others do and have done for you.
And keep going. 
                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. �� Beautiful lines

  2. Thank you ji. A beautiful poem with a beautiful meaning. Perfect way to start the work week. Appreciate what we have been blessed with.

  3. Beautiful poem
    Thanks ji
    Keep blessing ����

  4. Thanks Ji. Beautiful thoughts, especially the conclusion.


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...