Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Jhoothi Ummeeden -- False Hopes

Aasha Hamdardi kee thi ik Bhrashtaachaari say 
Nyaye maang raha tha jhoothon kay Prabhaari say 

Mushkil hai Rishwat ya chaaploosi kay bagair 
Kaam karvaa lenaa koyi ik Adhikaari say 

Mauqa miltay hee uthaa letay hain faayadaa 
Mazloom-o-Bebas Garibon ki Laachaari say 

Aur bhlaa kyaa niklegaa ye Sochiye zaraa 
Saamp hee niklengay saampon ki Pitaari say

Kaisay hotin Poorn 'Rajan' man kee aashayen 
Heera maang rahaa tha koylay kay Vyapaari say 
                                    "Rajan Sachdeva " 

Bhrashtaachaari =  Corrupt
Prabhaari            = Officer-in-charge
Mazloom             =  Oppressed
Bebas                   = Helpless
Laachaari           = Helplessness
Pitaari                 = A box used by snake catchers to keep snakes

                             English Translation 

Hoped to get sympathy from a corrupt person
Sought justice from the officer in charge of liars 

Without bribery or flattery - it's hard 
to get any work done from an official or administrator 

Whenever one gets a chance, everyone starts taking advantage 
of the helplessness of the oppressed, helpless, and poor  

Think - what else will come out of it after all?
Only snakes will come out of the snake pit  

How could the longings of our hearts be fulfilled?
We were asking for diamonds from a coal merchant  


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...