Thursday, October 19, 2023

No happiness without Contentment- Bin Santosh Na Kam Nasahin- Bin Santokh nahin ko Rajai

           Binu Santosh na kaam nasaahin
           Kaam achhat sukh sapanehun naahin 
           Ram bhajan binu mitahin ke kaamaa
           Thal biheen taru kabahun ke jaamaa?
                                     "Ram Charit Manas"

Without contentment, there is no end to desires.
And as long as desires & lust remain, one cannot find happiness even in dreams.
How can desires be ended without meditation - without worship of Ram - the Almighty God?
Can a tree grow anywhere without soil?
If there is no contentment - a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment in the mind - then new desires will keep taking birth at every moment - the craving and greed to achieve more and more will never end.

Tulsidas ji says that a tree needs to be rooted in the ground to grow and remain stable.
Similarly, to obtain satisfaction and contentment - the mind also needs a solid ground - a strong foundation. 
And that solid base and foundation is meditation and remembrance of God.

Without meditation and worship of God, cravings do not go away, and a feeling of contentment does not arise in the mind.

The more we concentrate on remembering God, the more satisfaction and feelings of fulfillment will increase in our minds.

Gurbani also gives the same message:
"Bina Santokh nahin kou Raajai - Supan manorath birthay sab kaajai
   Naam Rang Sarab Sukh hoye - Badbhaagi kisai prapati hoy"
                                                    (Sukhmani Sahib)

Meaning: there can never be fulfillment and happiness without contentment.
And contentment and happiness can only be achieved with the Naam - by meditating upon God's name.
                                         "Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...