Thursday, October 12, 2023

Purpose of Gyana is to Experience the Truth

Can we become Brahm merely by saying "Aham Brahmasmi - that I am Brahm"   
or I am the Soul - I am a part of Almighty God" - etc.? 
Will we become Brahm just by repeating it a few times in the morning?

In Vivek Chudamani, Adi Shankaracharya says that one does not become a king merely by repeating: 
    'I am the king - I am the king.'
To become a king, one has to conquer the enemy.

In spirituality, the enemy means ignorance.
Truth can not be seen without removing the veil of ignorance from our eyes.
It is necessary to eliminate ignorance to experience the Ultimate Truth.

What an irony it is that we read the descriptions of Truth in the Scriptures -
We hear the Sermons on Truth from Saints and Gurus in the Satsangs -
We can even give elaborate speeches on the topic of Truth -
But, we hardly experience it within ourselves.

Until we experience it ourselves - reading, listening, and speaking about the Truth is nothing more than a mere exercise of the intellect.

The purpose of Gyana is to understand completely and experience the Truth ourselves.
                     "Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...