Monday, October 9, 2023

Agar Aadmi hee na Rahaa - If No one is Left

Yoon hee gar chalta raha ye nafraton ka daur 
Ek din is aag mein sab hee jal jaayengay

Mazahab-o-Millat ki deevaaren na gar hateen 
Har taraf phir laashon kay hee dher paayengay

Kal agar duniya mein Aadmi hee na rahaa
Sukh kay ye saamaan phir kis kaam aayenge? 

Baat ye ab bhi agar na samjhay ham 'Rajan'
Dharti ko pralay say phir bachaa na paayengay
                           " Rajan Sachdeva "

Daur    = cycle, period
Mazahab-o-Millat ki deevaaren =  Walls of Religion & Communalism
Laashon kay dher = Piles of dead bodies
Pralay           = Doomsday 


If the cycle of hatred continues like this
Sooner or later - We all will get burnt in this fire.

If the walls of communalism are not taken down 
There will be piles of dead bodies scattered everywhere 

And tomorrow -- 
If there are no people left in the world - 
What use will these things and devices of delight and happiness be?

If we do not understand this brutal fact soon enough 
No one will be able to save the earth from doomsday.      
                        " Rajan Sachdeva "


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...