Monday, October 16, 2023

Aawaazon kay Bazaaron mein - In the Market of Noises

Moonh ki baat sunay har koyi - dil kay dard ko jaanay kaun 
Aawaazon kay bazaaron mein khaamoshi pehchaanay kaun

Sadiyon sadiyon vahi tamaashaa rastaa rastaa lambi khoj 
Lekin jab ham mil jaatay hain - kho jaata hai jaanay kaun 

Vo meri parchhaayi hai ya main us ka Aaiina hoon 
Meray hee ghar mein rehtaa hai mujh jaisa hee jaanay kaun
                                          " Nida Fazli "

Everyone can hear the words of mouth
But who understands the pain that is hidden in the heart?
Who can identify and apprehend silence in the market of noises?

For centuries, the same spectacle - the same path, and the long searches
And finally, when we meet - who is the one who gets lost again?

Is he my shadow - or am I his mirror?
Who is he that lives in my house and looks just like me?


  1. Amazing thoughts to understand 🌹🌹

  2. ❤ Rajanji, hope you are well. There have been no posts in a long time.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...