Saturday, July 1, 2023

One word can change the meaning

This morning I received a message  - 
"Jo gaayan man ko shuddh karta hai vahi gaayan hai 
baaki sab agyaan hai " 

It seems that while typing the word 'Gyan', perhaps the 'a' got typed before and the word became from "Gyan to Gayan" - from knowledge to singing.

Many times just one word - and not only one word - even one Maatra - one letter or a dot can change the meaning. 
And many times, it can be disastrous. 

For example, while writing Shraddha, if by mistake, Aa's is placed first, then Shradha will become Shraadh - from respect or reverence to an obituary or a ritual performed at death anniversaries - totally opposite meaning and even upsetting.

There is a Sher (couplet) in Urdu:
    Hum Duaa likhtay rahay - Vo Dagaa padhtay rahay
    Ek nuqtay nay Mehram say Mujram kar diya 

If written in Urdu - Persian/Arabic script - Duaa and Dagaa - Mehram and Mujram - both have the difference of just one dot. 
دعا  -  دغا
 محرم - مجرم
Even one letter or a dot can make such a big difference in the meaning of a word. 
While thinking about it, quite a few more such words came to mind and I tried to pen them down........
Bindu hataa to 'Chintaa - Chitaa ho gayi 
Bindu lagaa to 'Path - Panth ban gaya 

Mainay kahaa 'Upkaar - vo 'Apkaar samjhay 
Ek shabd nay 'Aadar say 'Anaadar kar daalaa 

Ek shabd ka hee to antar hai 'Gyaan aur Agyaan' mein 
Tript aur Atript mein - Shaant aur Ashaant mein 

Ek shabd hee Rakshak say Bhakshak - 
Sajan say Durjan -  Mitra say Amitra 
Aur 'Suputra say 'Kuputra bana deta hai 

Ayogya say Yogya aur Aksham say Saksham 
Dheer say Adheer aur Ashakt say Sashakt - 
Smarth say Asmarth - 
Sakriya say Nishkriya -  
Safal say Asafal kar deta hai bas ek shabd 

Shabdon kay peechhay 
chhupi hoti hain man kee bhaavnayen 
Kuchh kalpit aur aur kuchh sanchit dhaaranayen 

Bas ek shabd aur ek bhaav say hee badal jaati hai 
aqsar jeevan kee kaaya 
Bhaavnaaon aur dhaarnaon ka hee khel hai 
Jisay kehtay hain Maaya 

Vichaar aur bhaav hee 'Pavitra ko 'Apavitra 
Yogi ko Bhogi aur Sukhi ko Dukhi kar detay hain 

Pramaad - 'Safal ko 'Vifal banaa deta hai 
To Bhram - 'Gyaani ko Agyaani
Shankaa - 'Aastik ko 'Naastik bana deti hai 
Aur 'Sankalp - Vikalp' paida kar saktaa hai 

Abhimaan - 'Abhisht ko 'Anisht 
Krodh - 'Shisht ko 'Ashisht kar deta hai 

Aur ek 'Shraddha Sahit 'Pranaam - 
'Parinaam badal saktaa hai

Keval ek shabd - 'Hit say 'Ahit kar deta hai 
aur ek pal - 'Sanyog ko Viyog bana saktaa hai 

Ek 'Akshar say 'Shradha - 'Shraadh ho jaye 
Ek Akshar - 'Arth say 'Anarth' kar saktaa hai 

"Akshar aur 'Kshar mein ek 'a' ka hai antar 
Ek Akshar hee 'Raajan ko 'Saajan bana saktaa hai 
                 " Rajan Sachdeva "

Dua = Prayer, well-wishing 
Daga = Deception, cheating,  Disloyalty 
Bindu  = Dot
Chinta  = Worry
Chita    = Pyre
Path  = Way
Panth = Organization
Tript   = Satisfied
Atript = Unsatisfied
Rakshak = Protector
Bhakshak = Killer, 
Aksham     = Incapable, Unable 
Saksham  = Capable
Ashakt =  Weak, Frail 
Sashakt = Strong
Sakriya  =   Active 
Nishkriya = Inactive
Pramaad =  lethargy, laziness
Shisht   =  Civilized, courteous 
Ashisht = Arrogant 
Vikalp = Options 
Abhisht = Desirable, Wanted, Expected, Anticipated
Anisht = Bad, Unfavorable 
Pranaam = Prostration 
Prinaam   = Result, Outcome
Kshar = Perishable, Destructible
Akshar = Indestructible, Immortal 


  1. I really impressed with the knowledge of word or words and distinction between them 🙏🙏

  2. Well said & this case it seems to be typological error as you rightly pointed out.....A befitting proverb in hindi language is reproduced here....."pehlae tolo, phir bolo " or say "think before you speak"


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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