Saturday, July 15, 2023

किसका पक्ष लेंगे भगवान्?

कांपता, ठिठुरता सा कोई
अपनी झोपडी के एक कोने में दुबका
इंतज़ार कर रहा था - कि कब थमेगी ये बारिश

जिसमें डूब चके थे उसके सारे सपने, अरमान
चूल्हा, रोटी और मकान; सारे घर का सामान

और सामने की एक महलनुमा कोठी से
जोर जोर से आ रही थी, आवाज़ें 
बरसो रे मेघा, मेघा, बरसो रे, मेघा,
जरा झूम के बरसो, और झूम के बरसो

और वो सोच रहा था, कि
               किसका पक्ष लेंगे भगवान्?
                                - नीरज 'नीर'
                                        (फेसबुक से साभार)


  1. संसार का सबसे बड़ा फ़रेब कोई भगवान है

  2. ख़ुदी को कर बुलंद इतना कि हर तक़दीर से पहले
    ख़ुदा बंदे से ख़ुद पूछे बता तेरी रज़ा क्या है

  3. Rather than dumping on God, efforts should be made according to the strength and intellect blessed to the human beings. Power has no preference, it works the same manner on every instrument connected. We should not dump our failures on Power (the God), rather we should use our abilities to use power.

    1. Thanks for your comments .... However, there was a subtle point behind this post ... to be deeply analyzed by the readers -
      the hidden point was that there are only two scenarios - either the rain will stop or it will continue to rain -
      if it stops then the poor man in the hut will think his prayers were answered
      and if it continues then the rich guy singing across the street will think God heard him and fulfilled his desire. The final sentence was a satire -- Who will God listen to?
      The point being -- it's a natural phenomenon - and we do not have any power against such Natural phenomenon so we give credit or blame to someone else - be it a person - family or the government of our country or -- God
      Perhaps I should have added this detail in the post to make it clear to everyone.
      Anyway -- Thanks again

  4. But whatever the scenario is one thing is commonly assured that both have belief in ALMIGHTY GOD . AND BESIDES THE RAIN STOPS OR NOT IS THE MATTER OF ACCEPTANCE .


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...