Monday, July 17, 2023

A mouse in a jar full of grains

A mouse was placed at the top of a jar filled with grains.
He was too happy to find so much food around him. 
Now he doesn't need to run around searching for food.
He thought - he can happily live his life now without any effort. 

However, in a few days, all the food was finished and he reached the bottom of the jar. 
Now he was trapped and could not even come out of it. 
He has to depend solely on someone to put more grains in the jar for him to survive. 
He may not even get the food of his choice.
To survive, he has to eat whatever he is given. 
He cannot even choose his food anymore.
Here are four lessons to learn from this story:

1) Short-term pleasures can lead to long-term traps
2) If things are coming easy and you are getting comfortable, you are trapped in survival mode.
3) When you are not using your skills, you will lose more
than your skills. You lose your Choices as well.
4) The right Action has to be taken at the right time or else you will lose whatever you have.
So, think twice when someone offers something for free - 
such as free food, water, housing, power, and other such commodities of life. 


  1. That’s what’s happening in many states in India today and people don’t realize the dangerous results of all that. There are glaring examples of total destruction of some country’s economy in the world.

  2. Very important to use your wisdom🌹🙏🌹

  3. My grandfather used to say- “Whatever comes easily vanishes easily too”
    “Jaagrook bano, mahnati bano”


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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