Sunday, July 9, 2023

Eat First - Then Work

A newspaper seller - about ten years of age - was ringing the bell of a house.
(Perhaps the newspaper was not published on that day)
The mistress opened the door and asked, "What is it?
Child - "Aunty ji - May I clean your garden?
Mistress - No - we don't need it.
Boy - folding hands in a pitiful voice -
"Please, Aunty ji - 
Let me do it, please -  I will clean it really nicely.
The lady was moved by his pleadings  - "Oh ok, how much money will you take?
Child - No money Ma'am - just give me some food - that's all.
Mistress - Ok then. But do a good job...

She thought - Looks like the poor boy is hungry - 
I should give him food first.
"Hey boy - come and eat first - then you can work..."
Child - "No Auntie - first let me do the work - then you give me food."
Mistress - ok! 
After an hour -
 "Aunty ji - please see if the cleaning is done well."
Mistress - Oh wow! You have cleaned it very well. 
You even put the plants neatly in the pots. 
Now come and sit here - I will bring food for you.
As soon as the mistress gave him the food - the boy pulled a foil from his pocket and started wrapping it in the foil paper.
Mistress - I know you are hungry.
Sit down and eat here, and I will give you more if you want."

Boy - Actually, my mother is sick at home. 
I got the medicine for her free from the government hospital. 
The doctor said the medicine must be taken with the food - not on an empty stomach. 
That is why I came to work - to get food for her."
Mistress cried.. then scolding with love, she said -
Come and sit here - first, you eat - then I will give you more to take home for your mother."
She fed that innocent child with her own hands as his mother.
Then made fresh rotis for his mother.
She went to his house with him. Gave food to his mother and said - you are a very rich woman. 
We could not provide our children the wealth you have given to your son. 
Very fortunate people get such children.
Also -- 
Despite being wealthy - 
those who have such compassion, love, and kindness in their heart are, in fact, the real rich.
                                                "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. So so nice ! Made me emotional

  2. Richness in values, moral and compassion. Doesn’t really have to be financially rich or poor. Very touching❤️

  3. Rajan ji, it touched my heart ❤️ and made me emotional. Thank you very much for lovely posting. ๐Ÿ™

  4. Caring & Compassion work wonders in human life notwithstanding richness or poverty.....

  5. Very touching story ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒน

  6. What a wonderful message to learn from your article. Very compassionate.


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...