Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Every doubt may not have answer-- Har Shankaa ka Samaadhaan nahin

Har Shankaa ka koyi Samaadhaan nahin hota 
Satya kay liye koyi Pramaan nahin hota 

Ghaav Shabdon kay bahut hee gehray hotay hain 
Upshabdon saa teekhaa koyi Baan nahin hota 

Prabhu kabhi kisi ki Pareekshaa nahin letay
Gun-Avgun jo dekhay vo Bhagvaan nahin hota 

Saar jeevan ka to anubhav say hee miltaa hai 
Keval baaton say is ka anumaan nahin hota 

Ek din to sab yaheen pay chhod jaana hai 
Is baat say anjaan koyi insaan nahin hota 

Vinamrataa hee Vidvataa ka lakshan hai 'Rajan'
Pothi padh lenay say koyi Vidvaan nahin hota
                               " Rajan Sachdeva "


Every doubt may not have an answer or solution.
(On the other hand)
Truth does not require any evidence or proof.

The wounds caused by words are always too deep
There is no arrow as sharp as bad or foul words

God never tests anyone.
One who sees merits and demerits - is not God.

The essence of life comes from experience.
It's not knowable or predictable from mere dialogues.

One day everyone has to leave this world.
No one is unaware of this fact of life. 

Humility is a sign of wisdom and scholarship.
One does not become a scholar just by reading a holy book.
                                                      "Rajan Sachdeva "

Shankaa             =  Doubt 
Samaadhaan     =  Solution, Answer 
Satya                  =  Truth
Pramaan           = Evidence, Proof
Ghaav                =  Wound
Upshabdon      =  Bad, Foul words 
Baan                 = Arrow
Pareekshaa      = Test, Exam
Saar                  = Essence 
Anumaan        = Experience 
Vinamrataa    = Humility, Humbleness, Politeness
Vidvataa         =  Wisdom 
Lakshan         = Sign, Characteristic, Trait, Attribute, Feature 
Pothi              =  Book, Holy Religious Book
Vidvaan         =   Wise, Scholar,  


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...